Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, May 7, 1993                   TAG: 9305070176
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: WILMINGTON, DEL.                                LENGTH: Medium


Dutchman Jelle Nijdam shattered Greg LeMond's course record Thursday night and continued his career specialty with almost an 11-second victory in the prologue of the Tour DuPont bicycle race.

Nijdam, 29, who has won several stages of the Tour de France including the 1987 prologue, completed the hilly 2.98-mile course in 5 minutes, 55.070 seconds on a warm evening.

Raul Alcala of Mexico, the 1990 overall race winner and Nijdam's WordPerfect teammate, finished second in 6:05.952. Lance Armstrong of Plano, Texas, and Motorola, was third in 6:07.037.

Nijdam, whose father was a world pursuit champion more than 30 years ago, broke the record LeMond set last year by more than 23 seconds. However, LeMond, who went on to win the overall title, rode in strong winds and rain. LeMond, a three-time Tour de France winner, is not competing this year.

After the first stage, the field will ride the 13.5-mile team time trial tonight, the only double stage of the 11-day race.

The 1,085-mile event, in which the winner earns $40,000 of a $200,000 purse and a new automobile, continues through May 16.

THURSDAY'S RESULTS - 1, Jelle Nijdam, Holland, WordPerfect, 5 minutes, 55.070 seconds; 2, Raul Alcala, Mexico, WordPerfect, 6:05.952; 3, Lance Armstrong, Plano, Texas, Motorola, 6:07.037; 4, Malcolm Elliott, Britain, Chevrolet-L.A. Sheriffs, 6:08.466; 5, Steve Hegg, Dana Point, Calif., Chevrolet-L.A. Sheriffs, 6:09.603; 6, Stephen Swart, New Zealand, Coors Light, 6:10.918; 7, Ron Kiefel, Boulder, Colo., Coors Light, 6:13.474; 8, Steve Bauer, Canada, Motorola, 6:15.149; 9, Sean Yates, Britain, Motorola, 6:15.781; 10, Dave Mann, Britain, Coors Light, 6:16.634. - Associated Press

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