Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 9, 1993                   TAG: 9305070550
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Linker, Sr., of Wytheville, Virginia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lisa Mylette, to Mr. Phillip Bradley Snapp, of Wytheville, Virginia.

Ms. Linker is the granddaughter of Mrs. Mildred O. Livingston, of Columbia, South Carolina, and the late Berry Earl Livingston and the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Linker, of Mooresville, North Carolina. Mr. Snapp is the grandson of Mrs. Mae Thompson, of Meadowview, Virginia, and the late Joseph Thompson and Mr. Francis D. Snapp, of Burkes Garden, Virginia, and the late Hattie G. Snapp.

The bride-elect is a graduate of George Wythe High School, Wytheville Community College, and Radford University with B.S. in Early Childhood Education. She is currently pursuing a master's degree as a reading specialist through the University of Virginia. She is employed as a second grade teacher in the Wythe County School System.

Mr. Snapp graduated from George Wythe High School, Wytheville Community College, and Virginia Tech with a B.S. in agronomy. He is an employee of S & W Fertilizer, Seed, and Chemical Company, Inc.

The wedding is planned for July 17 at the Wytheville Presbyterian Church.

 by CNB