Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 9, 1993                   TAG: 9305070559
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Jean V. (Kelly) Robertson and William Bagwell Goode, IV, were married May 8, 1993, in Second Baptist Church with Dr. Raymond L. Spence, Jr. officiating. The reception was held at Deep Run Hunt Club. The maid of honor was JulieDeShazo of Martinsville. The matron of honor was Dr. Jean M. Glasgow, the bride's grandmother. The bridemaids were Ann Borchelt of Owings Mills, Md.; Esther Goode and Amy Goode, sisters of the groom; Leigh Rose, Sandra Dawson, Channy Austin, all of Richmond; and Dr. Catherine Ferguson, cousin of the bride. The best man was William Bagwell Goode, III, father of the groom. Theushers were Marshall Eldred III of Louisville, Kentucky; Harvard Smith, Paul Thompson, Charles Liebert, HenryLiebert, Patrick Kirchmier, and Gregory Vining, all of Richmond; and R. Scott Ferguson, cousin of the bride. Ringbearer was Samuel Glasgow, cousin of the bride. The candlelighters were Andrew Glasgow and William Glasgow, cousins of the bride. The bride's gown was silk shantag with a beaded sequin lace bodice. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Robertson of Hardy, Va. She is a graduate of VPI & SU and the Medical College of Virginia Pharmacy School where she currently attends graduate school. She is employed by the Medical College of Virginia Hospital. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bagwell Goode, III of Richmond. He is a graduate of Hampton Sydney College. He isemployed by Industrial Commodities, Inc. The newlyweds will live in Richmond, Va., after the wedding trip to St. Vincent, West Indies.

 by CNB