Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, May 9, 1993 TAG: 9305090189 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: E10 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: From staff reports DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Right fielder J.R. Hawkins hit a double off the left-field wall to jump start the Hokies (31-11, 9-4). Dee Dalton reached first on an infield hit and first baseman Ken Nonamaker singled. A throwing error by left fielder Rich Bruney allowed Nonamaker and Reedy to advance and Nonamaker scored on catcher Denny Hedspeth's ground ball to third.
After the Bulls (37-13, 11-3) scored two runs in the third inning, Tech pitcher Bryan Hastings (10-4) shut down South Florida, allowing only three more hits.
Radford closed out its season with a doubleheader sweep of Milligan in Radford, 8-2 and 9-2.
The Highlanders blasted four home runs in the opener as Eric Harris (5-0) held Milligan to four hits and struck out six.
In the second game, the Highlanders (25-17) pounded out 11 hits against two Milligan pitchers. Duane Filcher, Dennis Van Pelt, Donnie Fields and Heidrich each had two hits.