Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 9, 1993                   TAG: 9305110514
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Newcomers to the valley, or those considering a move, need to arrange for utility services. Listed here are where to call for water, sewer, electricity, natural gas, telephone and TV cable:

Water, sewer and trash

Montgomery County (except Blacksburg and Christiansburg): Call the Public Service Authority at 382-6930. A $30 deposit is required for water and sewer service separately from renters only, and will be returned with the final bill. A $5 transfer fee also is required for each service. For homeowners seeking new service, a $350 new-service deposit is required for water and sewer service separately. The minimum monthly rate is $9 for water and $14 for sewer. Trash is picked up at dumpsters located throughout the county.

\ Blacksburg: Call 961-1119 or visit the town municipal building at 300 S. Main St. New residential cusvtomers must pay a $40 deposit plus a $10 transfer fee. The deposit is returnved after one year. The minimum bimonthly rate is $36.70 for 4,000 galvlons and includes weekly collection of garbage and recyclables. (A new rate structure will go into effect July 1, pending approval by town council .

The bimonthly cost for water and sewer will be a set charge of $4.91 plus $1.59 per 1,000 gallons of water and $2.09 per 1,000 gallons of sewage. The bimonthly charge for garbage service will be $23.84.)

\ Christiansburg: Call 382-6128 for information. Applications must be filled out at the municipal building at 100 E. Main St. A $10 deposit is required of homeowners. Renters must pay a $20 deposit. Both are returned when the account is closed. The minimum bimonthly rate for in-town service is $42.12 and includes garbage collection. The rate for service outside the town is $60.68 where garbage service is available and required and $33.18 where garbage service is not available.

\ Radford: Call the Utility Billing Office at 731-3602. The monthly minimum for water service is $3.50 and for sewer service is $6.28, which covers the first 2,000 gallons. A deposit of double the amount of an average monthly bill is required. There is a $13 monthly fee for weekly garbage service.

\ Pulaski County (except Pulaski and Dublin): Call the Public Service Authority at 980-7760. Renters must pay a $50 deposit. The minimum monthly rate for water is $13.50 for the first 2,000 gallons. Each additional 1,000 gallons is $2.50. Garbage collection is $11 per month, billed monthly to water and sewer customers and quarterly to others. A $33 deposit for garbage collection is required from renters.

\ Pulaski: Call 980-1000, Ext. 51, or visit the municipal building at 42 First St. N.W. A $80 deposit is required and will be returned after 18 months of consecutive on-time payments.

A service charge of $15-$30 for town residents and $20-$40 for customers outside the town also is required. The minimum monthly rate is $6.38 for water and $15.75 for sewer ($22.13 total for both) for 3,000 gallons. Out-of-town rates are double the in-town rates. Garbage collection is handled by the county Public Service Authority.

\ Dublin: Call 674-4731 or visit the town office at Giles and Main streets. A $20 deposit is required and is returned with the final bill. The minimum monthly rate for in-town service is $24 and includes weekly garbage collection. Water and sewer services are available in some areas outside the town limits. The minimum rates are $13.50 for water only and $18.50 for water and sewer.

\ Floyd County: Call the Public Service Authority at 745-2169. Service is available for the Town of Floyd and surrounding area. Deposit of $75 required for renters and is refunded with the final bill. Minimum monthly rate $21.50.

Garbage is picked up at dumpsters throughout the county. Collection is available for county residents in the vicinity of the town. Biweekly collections take place on Tuesday and Friday. The standard fee is $5 per month ($2 for those over 62). Call the town office at 745-2565.

\ Floyd: Call the Public Service Authority at 745-2169 (see above for details). Biweekly garbage collection occurs on Tuesday and Friday and is free to town residents. Call the town office at 745-2565.

\ Giles County: Provides only garbage pick up at dumpsters throughout the county. All other services provided by the towns.

\ Pearisburg: Call 921-1222 for information. After-hours emergency through sheriff's dispatch 921-3842. Deposit of $25, returnable after five years with interest. Billed monthly, minimum $6 for 2,500 gallons. Minimum sewer rate of $7.50 for 2,000 gallons. The trash fee is $6.50 a month for weekly back-yard pickup.

\ Narrows: Call 726-2423 for information. Requires $50 deposit returnable after a year. Billed bi-monthly, $51 minimum for up to 6,000 gallons. The service also includes weekly garbage pickup.

\ Pembroke: Call 626-7191 for water and garbage service. A sewer system is under construction and it is anticipated being finished within 24 months. Deposit of $40 required for renters (held until last bill paid), no deposit for homeowners. Billed bimonthly, the minimum in-town rate for water is $16 for 3,000 gallons, $1.59 per thousand over 3,000; out-of-town service, $25 minimum for 3,000 gallons, $2.78 per thousand over 3,000. Garbage pickup is $4 per month.

\ Rich Creek: Call 726-3260 for information. A deposit is required of renters, $40 in town and $50 out-of-town, and is held until the final bill is paid. The minimum monthly service fee is $17.60 in town and $20.60 out-of-town, which includes 2,000 gallons and weekly garbage pick-up (for in-town customers only).

\ Glen Lyn: Call 726-7075 for water and sewer service. A deposit of $50 is required for renters (held until last bill paid), no deposit for homeowners. The minimum monthly bill is $22 in-town and $24 out-of-town for 4,000 gallons.

\ Wythe County (except Wytheville): For water, call the Water Department at 223-6020. For new service to homeowners, the fee is $350, which can be paid all at once or $50 down and the rest in monthly payments of $10 at 18 percent interest.

For sewer, call the Health Department at 228-5507. The application fee for a septic system is $50 and, if a well is being planned, $25.

Trash is deposited in dumpsters and at recycling convenience stations located in the county.

\ Wytheville: Call 228-3111 for information. No deposit is required for homeowners. Renters pay a $48 deposit.\ \ Water: $36 for the first 9,000 gallons; $1.90 per 1,000 gallons for the next 12,000 gallons; $1.55 per 1,000 for the next 9,000 gallons; $1.20 per 1,000 for the next $95,000 gallons, $1 per 1,000 for any over 255,000 gallons. Add 75 percent for services outside the town limits.\ \ Sewer: $12 per 1,000 gallons for the first 6,000 gallons, $2 per 1,000 for any above that amount; add 75 percent for services outside town. Weekly trash pickup is provided by the town.

\ Rural Retreat: Call 686-4221 for information. Water: $7 for the first 2,000 gallons, $1.50 per 1,000 on the next 4,000 gallons and $1.25 per 1,000 after that in the town limits, 75 percent surcharge outside town. Sewer:

A deposit equal to two months estimated billing usually is required of new customers. The deposit will be returned after 12 months of continuous on-time payments. The minimum residential rate is $5.69 per month, with a kilowatt usage charge of 5.429 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 900 kilowatt hours (including fuel adjustment factor) and 4.443 cents for each additional kilowatt hour.

\ Electricity\ Appalachian Power Co. serves most of the New River Valley, except Radford, most of Blacksburg and Virginia Tech. Customers can request service by calling Apco offices in Christiansburg at 382-6000, in Pulaski at 994-1150, in Pearisburg at 921-3777 and in Wytheville at 228-5531.

Radford Electric Department purchases power from Apco and revsells it to city customers at the same rates. Customers can request service by calling 731-3602, or by visiting the office at 619 Second St.

A deposit double an average monthly estimated billing is usually required of new customers, but may be waived with a letter of credit. The deposit will be refunded after 24 consecutive on-time payments, or when the account is closed.

In lieu of a deposit, students can pay a nonrefundable fee of $15 per bedroom to the Student Utility Deposit System, Inc. Call 639-3501 for information.

The minimum residential rate is $5.41 per month, with a kilowatt usage charge of 5.277 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 900 kilowatt hours (including fuel adjustment factor) and 4.334 cents for each additional kilowatt hour.

\ Virginia Tech Electric serves Virginia Tech and most of Blacksburg. Call 231-6437 for information. Applications are available at the office at 1421 N. Main St., Blacksburg. No deposit is required for residential service. However, there is a $12 service and transfer fee. Virginia Tech Electric follows Apco rate guidelines.

Natural gas\ \ United Cities Gas Co. provides natural gas to most of the New River Valley, including Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Radford, Pulaski, Dublin, Wytheville, Montgomery County, Pulaski County and Wythe County. Applications for service can be obtained at the company's offices in Radford on First Street, in Blacksburg on Country Club Drive, or in Pulaski on North Jefferson Avenue.

Call 639-1661 in Radford, 951-9184 in Blacksburg, 980-2720 in Pulaski and 228-3137 in Wytheville for more information.

Deposits range from $75 to $100 for residential service and are based on the customer's credit record. Rates are a $6 monthly meter reading charge plus 52 for every 100 cubic feet of gas.

\ Commonwealth Gas serves parts of Giles County, including Pearisburg, Narrows and Rich Creek. Call 921-4570. Operators will dispatch orders to the specific areas. A deposit equal to two-months billing may be required for first-time customers and renters, depending on credit history and service record.\ Telephone\ \ The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. serves most of the New River Valley. Call 561-1000, toll-free. A deposit may be required, depending on credit information. The deposit will be returned after a sufficient payment record has been established.

Installation costs start at $38.50 for a simple connection. Labor costs for inside work are $42 for the service call, and $16 for each additional 15 minutes. Materials cost extra. Rates vary depening on location and type of service. Service usually is provided within three business days of the request. However, C&P recommends requesting service three weeks in advance during the busy fall season when students are returning to area colleges.

C&P provides long-distance service within Southwest Virginia. To choose a long-distance carrier outside the region, contact a C&P service representative.

\ GTE of Virginia serves Newport in Giles County. Call (804) 348-8822, toll-free. A deposit may be required, depending on credit information. The deposit will be returned after 12 months of continuous on-time payments. Installation fees vary, beginning with a charge of $29.25 for a simple connection. Rates vary depending on location and type of service. Service is usually provided within three business days of the request.

\ The Pembroke Telephone Cooperative serves Pembroke and portions of Newport, Goldbond, Eggleston and Ripplemead in Giles County. Call 626-7111 for information.

An application for service must be filled out at the office on Snidow Street, Pembroke. A $40 deposit and a $10 membership fee are required. The deposit will be returned after 12 months continuous on-time payments.

Installation fees start at $9, with an additional $8.15 required for touch-tone service. Extra telephone jacks cost $38.15 for the first jack, $26 for each additional one. Rates vary depending on location and type of service. Allow three to four days for service.

\ Citizens Telephone Cooperative serves Floyd County. Call 745-2111 or visit the office on Oxford Street in Floyd. Customers are required to purchase a share of stock for $20. A deposit usually is not required, but may be, depending on the applicant's credit rating. The deposit will be returned after nine months of continuous on-time payments.

Installation fees start at $50. Rates vary depending on location and type of service. Service usually is provided within five days.

\ United Telephone - Southeast serves Wythe County. Call 228-8101. A deposit of $75 is normally required, depending on credit information. The deposit will be returned after 12 months of continuous on-time payments. Installation costs are normally $44, with additional costs for any inside work requested. Rates vary depending on the location and type of service. Customer should allow two working days for service installation.

Cable TV\

Blacksburg Cable TV Systems serves Blacksburg and parts of Christiansburg and Montgomery County. Call 552-3341 or 381-2078 or visit the office at 1401 Main St.

Installation fees are $34.95 for new standard service, $54.95 for new limited basic service and $20 for a transfer. The limited basic service features 12 channels for $10.95 per month. The full basic service has 35 channels for $20.25. Pay channels are $7.85 (for Disney) to $10.25 (HBO, Cinemax and Showtime) per month, including converter.

Pay-per-view programming also is available. Movies are $3.95 each; the cost for other programming varies. Remote control is $4.95 per month without premium channels, $3.45 with one, and free with two or more. Extra outlets are $3.45 monthly for basic with an additional $4.95 converter charge to repeat all premium services. Installation of extra outlets is $15 at time of original installation, $20 otherwise.

\ Simmons Cable serves Radford, Christiansburg and parts of Montgomery and Pulaski counties. Call 639-3991.

Installation fees are $45 for above ground new service and transfers, $60 for new service underground. The broadcast basic package of 12 channels is $10 per month. The rate for the expanded basic service of 35 channels is $22.75 per month. Pay channels range from $3.95 (Disney) to $10 (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime and The Movie Channel) per month. Converters are rented for $5, $3 and $2 per month, depending on the type of converter. Additional outlets are $4 per month for regular service and $2 per month for broadcast basic.

Cable radio also is available from Simmons Cable in its service area. The cost is $9.95 per month for 30 commercial-free music channels.

\ Adelphia Communications serves Pulaski, Dublin and parts of Pulaski County. Call (800) 835-4949 or visit the office at 641 E. Main St. in Pulaski.

Installation fees are $50 for new service and $25 for a transfer. The seven-channel broadcast basic service is available for $10 per month. The rate for the full package of 27 channels is $20.95 per month. Pay channels range from $8.50 (Disney) to $11 (HBO, Cinemax and Showtime) per month with discount packages available. Extra outlets are $3.50 per month, $6.95 if they are to mirror the pay channels on the original outlet. Remote control is $2.50 monthly.

\ Triax Cablevison serves the Pearisburg and Giles County area. Call (800) 458-7429.

Installation fees are $47.50 for new service and $25 for a transfer. A limited tier of 12 channels is $12.95 per month. The rate for the 35-channel service is $25.69 per month. Pay channels cost $3.99 (Encore), $4.95 (Disney), $6.95 (Cinemax), $10.95 (HBO) and $11.99 (Showtime). Converter charges are $2 for a second converter and $3 monthly for remote control. There is no charge for additional outlets.

\ Star Cable serves Floyd and parts of Floyd County as well as the Fort Chiswell, Max Meadows, Ivanhoe and Barren Springs portions of Wythe County.

In Floyd County, call (800) 344-9005. Installation fees range from $35-$50 for new service and transfers. The 10-channel broadcast basic package is $13.95 per month. The rate for the 22-channel package is $20.50 per month. Pay channels range between $8 (Disney) and $10.50 (HBO, Cinemax and Showtime) monthly, with some packaging available. The charge for converters is $3.50 monthly and includes remote control. Each additional outlet is $4 per month. A $20 deposit is required for converters.

In Wythe County, call 637-3061. Installation is $50 for new service and $35 for a transfer. The broadcast basic package for 12-channel is $13.95 per month. The rate for the 30-channel package is $23.25 per month. Pay channels are $10.50 per month for one, with rates declining to $6.95 a month as more are added. Each additional outlet is $4 a month. The charge for converts is $3.71 monthly. A $20 deposit is required for a converter box and remote.

\ Wytheville Telecable serves the Wytheville area. Call 228-3215. Installation fees start at $10, depending on the service package. The rate for regular broadcast channels that could normally be received from rooftop antennas is $9.95 per month. The 11-channel broadcast basic service is $12.75 per month. The full package of 26 channels is $22.95 per month. Pay channels are $10 for the first and $8 each for others. There is no charge for the first converter box and remote. Extra outlets are $1.50 per month.

\ TYL Communication serves the Rural Retreat area. Call 686-6447. Installation is $15. The rate for 24 channels is $18 a month and, for 27 channels $42.50 a month. There is a one-time fee of $20 to hook up. A converter box is $1 a month.

 by CNB