Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, May 10, 1993                   TAG: 9305100024
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Exam week at the University of Virginia officially ends Friday, but the men's lacrosse team will be tested into the weekend.

UVa will meet Notre Dame at Scott Stadium on Saturday in a first-round game of the 1993 NCAA Division I Lacrosse Championship. Times for all games will be announced today.

The fifth-seeded Cavaliers (9-4) learned their fate Sunday night when the selection committee announced the tournament fields for all divisions. In the eight-team Division III field, Washington and Lee is in and Roanoke is out.

In his first season at UVa, Dom Starsia guided the program to its 17th post-season berth in the 23 years of the tournament. Only three teams have more appearances.

"It's a real treat and a nice reward for a good season," said Starsia, who took Brown to the 12-team tournament five of the past six years. "We're in exams until Friday, so it's going to be an awkward week of preparation. I'm just hoping the guys have kept up with their work and don't have to pull all-nighters."

Notre Dame (11-2), the 12th seed, is making its third trip in four years. The Fighting Irish are coached by Kevin Corrigan, a UVa graduate and former assistant coach. Corrigan is the son of former UVa athletic director Gene Corrigan.

"They're a program that's coming on," Starsia said. "They beat [Division III power] Hobart and they beat Hofstra, who beat us. We'll have our hands full."

The winner of the Virginia-Notre Dame game will play No. 4 Johns Hopkins (10-3). Playing in their 22nd straight tournament, the Blue Jays get a first-round bye.

Also receiving byes are No. 1 North Carolina (12-1), No. 2 Princeton (11-1) and No. 3 Syracuse (9-2).

W&L (12-2) is making its third appearance in the NCAA Division III Championship and second in three years. The Generals play at Ohio Wesleyan (10-1) on Sunday.

The Battling Bishops have ended both of W&L's tournament runs - in the quarterfinals in 1987 and in the semifinals in 1991.

"We played ourselves into the tournament, and that's what we had to do," said W&L coach Jim Stagnitta. "We won our last five games and the [9-8] win over Roanoke [on Thursday] was huge."

If they advance, the Generals will play the winner of No. 1 Salisbury State (13-0) and No. 8 Washington College (11-3).

The committee took Washington over Roanoke (10-4), which played in the 1992 national title game. Roanoke had its fourth-best regular season ever but won't add to it.

"I'm really, really disappointed," Maroons coach Bill Pilat said. "I feel we can beat every team ahead of us. I don't feel like there is much respect for [the Old Dominion Athletic Conference]. The ODAC is the best-kept secret around. It's a heck of a league, but some people don't see it like that."

 by CNB