Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, May 10, 1993                   TAG: 9305100118
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: SAN ANTONIO, FLA.                                LENGTH: Short


Dennis Green, a Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach, died early Saturday morning in an automobile wreck in Pasco County.

The Florida Highway Patrol told The Tampa Tribune that Green, 23, the Buccaneers' strength coach, was killed when he lost control of his car on Interstate 75, about three miles south of State Road 52.

"Dennis was a special person. This is a shock to all of us," Tampa Bay coach Sam Wyche said. "His dedication and work ethic had led him to a position of responsibility at an early age and he was making the most of it."

Dale E. DeCarmine, 29, of Brooksville, also died when Green's car crossed the median and hit DeCarmine's car. Both men died shortly after the accident, the highway patrol said.

Green had recently been promoted to the assistant coach position coordinating weight training, fitness programs and nutrition for the Buccaneers, team spokesman Richard Odioso said.

"He was happy in Florida," said Susan Hazzard, a friend of Green's at Kentucky where he helped train basketball players before moving on to Tampa in 1992.

"I know he was very excited about the promotion. That's very high for such a young man," she said.

A memorial service will be held for Green at St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Tampa on Tuesday evening before his funeral in his hometown of Natick, Mass. - Associated Press


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