Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 12, 1993                   TAG: 9305120293
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Wire Reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A realm-shaking book by Lady Colin Campbell will be loosed on the public June 7. Among other allegations it says that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have gone their own sexual ways for decades to the point that the royal paternity of Prince Edward is in doubt, and Campbell lists possible fathers by name.

In "The Royal Marriages: Private Lives of the Queen and Her Children," Campbell - whose last effort was the best-selling "Diana in Private: The Princess Nobody Knows" - also says Princess Anne is a hot number "partial to rougher trade than is normally invited to the palace" and that the Queen Mum had "an interesting domestic arrangement" with King George in which she essentially had it her way sexually.

Campbell, "Georgie" to her equals, also claims to present for the first time the entire unedited "Squidgy" tape, which shows that Princess Diana "is no Blessed Virgin and never was."

Claws in, Socks. Your top-cat status is safe - for now anyway. But the feline nearly had White House-cuddling competition from - gasp, shades of Millie Bush - a golden retriever puppy. At the annual fund-raising auction Saturday for 13-year-old Chelsea's private school, Sidwell Friends, President Clinton lost a high-dollar bidding war for the puppy. Clinton dropped out of the bidding at $3,500; the pooch sold for $3,700. "It's possible that Chelsea could be ready for a new dog," White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers said Monday. The Clintons had a cocker spaniel in Arkansas, but it was run over by a car several years ago.

George Stephanopoulos, White House communications director and boy wonder, squired "Dirty Dancing" actress Jennifer Grey around the Oval Office over the weekend. He's 32; she's 33.

 by CNB