Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 13, 1993                   TAG: 9305130309
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: N-15   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


PAUL WRIGHT, son of Robert and Theresa Wright of 6731 McKinney St., has been named a winner of the Cosmic Challenge contest, sponsored by cable station WGN.

He was among the first 100 entrants to answer all questions correctly on the TV space quiz.

Wright, a sixth-grader at Mountain View Elementary School, has been awarded a scholarship to U.S. Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala.

His prize also includes an $8,000 scholarship to Lewis University in Lockport, Ill., after he graduates from high school, if he qualifies at that point.

\ NASSER BARGHOUTY and FRANK MUNLEY of Roanoke College have received a $15,950 research grant from The Jeffress Memorial Trust.

Barghouty, assistant professor of physics, and Munley, associate professor of physics, will conduct research over the next year on cosmic-ray primary nuclei fragmentation showers. The research will provide nuclear physics calculations that will be used to improve and update cosmic-ray models for the E.O. Hulbert Center for Space Research of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.

Also, for the second consecutive year, Barghouty has been appointed to a senior position in the 10-week Summer Faculty Research Program at the Naval Research Laboratory.

\ ROBERT JENKINS, a biology professor at Roanoke College, has been awarded a $2,000 grant from the Georgia Power Co. to support publication of a monograph on the robust redhorse sucker fish and related sucker species.

Jenkins found that the only viable population of the robust redhorse, which recently was rediscovered, lives below a Georgia Power dam that is under federal review for relicensing.

As a result of Jenkins' work, the fish will be designated as an endangered species.

\ STEVE SLAN, son of Richard and JoAnn Slan of Vinton, has been named to the Rho Chi national academic honor society at the University of South Carolina School of Pharmacy.

\ GERALD L. HAYES of Roanoke has received a doctorate in counselor education from Virginia Tech.

Hayes, son of Rachel Hayes, received an associate's degree in 1981 from Virginia Western Community College, a bachelor of science degree in 1983 from Ferrum College and a master's degree in 1985 from Radford University.

Hayes is a counselor at the Roanoke Medical Nutrition and Counseling Center.

\ OTTAWA R. PULLEN JR., son of the Rev. and Mrs. Ottawa R. Pullen Sr. of Roanoke, has completed studies at Bread of Life School of Ministry in Houston and has been licensed to preach.

Pullen, a graduate of the former Lucy Addison High School, is a vocational school counselor in the Houston area.

\ ELIZABETH J. MAXWELL, a senior at Patrick Henry High School, has been chosen as one of top 20 scholars in the country by the Scholars Recognition Program of the National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools for Mathematics, Science and Technology.

Maxwell, who also attends the Roanoke Valley Governor's School for Science and Technology, will receive a $2,500 scholarship. She plans to attend Williams College in Williamstown, Mass.

 by CNB