Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 13, 1993                   TAG: 9305130494
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Salem letter carriers to collect food Saturday

Members of Salem Local 1605 of the National Association of Letter Carriers in conjunction with the Salem Post Office will hold a food drive Saturday.

Salem residents should place nonperishable food donations in or near their mailboxes. A carrier will pick up donations and return them to the Salem Post Office for distribution to Roanoke Valley food banks. Donations also may be deposited in the lobby receptacle at the Salem Post Office through Saturday.

Items needed include: canned juice, vegetables, fruit, soups, tuna, spaghetti sauce, stew and meat; and dry cereal, noodles and milk.

French students need summer host families

Host families are needed for 72 French students ages 13-18 for a 3 1/2-week stay in July or August. The French organization Mondes Nouveaux (New Worlds) is the sponsor.

Students will go on a wilderness adventure during one week of their visit, and host family youths may accompany them.

For more information on the July visit, call Sherry Conley at 982-8749. For information on the August visit, call Valerie Thompson at 389-3763.

Magnet office to offer 2 summer programs

The Roanoke Department of Magnet Programs has scheduled a five-week summer program for students in grades 4-9.

Art World and Tech Camp will be held June 21-July 29. Classes will meet Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Tech camp will allow students to explore various types of technology. Students will rotate through five one-week units at Addison Aerospace, Fairview World of PLants and Animals, Forest Park New American School, Highland Park Learning Center and Madison Magnet School.

Topics include: desktop publishing, aerospace science, habitats of the world, communications and lego-lego.

Participants do not have to be enrolled in Magnet Schools to attend the summer programs. Call 981-1089 for registration and tuition information.

 by CNB