Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, May 14, 1993                   TAG: 9305140137
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Janice Gallimore, who walked out on her polygamy-preaching husband last weekend, may have opened the door to the end of Elwood Gallimore's legal woes.

After 26 years of marriage, Janice Gallimore told her husband she Gallimore wants a divorce, sources said. Elwood Gallimore announced to his congregation in December that he had married 16-year-old Sabrina Simpkins "in the eyes of God."

Gallimore was charged in February with seduction, a Reconstruction-era law enacted to protect unmarried women "of previous chaste character."

Perhaps a man's best defense against the seduction law is to marry the woman he is accused of seducing, state Del. Jay DeBoer, D-Petersburg, has said. DeBoer is on a state commission studying the state's sexual assault laws.

The charge against Gallimore could be dismissed if he divorces his legal wife and makes official his marriage to Simpkins.

In fact, the statute after the seduction law in the Code of Virginia states that "the subsequent marriage of the parties" could preempt a prosecution.

For six months after Gallimore informally married Simpkins, his longtime wife stood beside him.

Through several of Gallimore's court appearances, Janice Gallimore had said little. But she claimed to be in agreement with her husband's polygamy sermons.

But Janice Gallimore, 42, apparently reached a breaking point Saturday, when her husband informed her that Simpkins would be taking her car, sources said. Simpkins' car had broken down, and Elwood Gallimore wanted her to use Janice Gallimore's car so she could attend a church softball game.

"I'm just glad she's got out," said Donna Jean Goins, Janice Gallimore's sister.

Gallimore gave Simpkins a wedding ring, but the marriage is not recognized by the state.

In February, Floyd County prosecutor Gino Williams charged Gallimore with two felony counts of taking indecent liberties with a minor and one count of seduction.

 by CNB