Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 16, 1993                   TAG: 9305140389
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The Roanoke City Art Show, now in its 14th year, will open Friday with a reception and awards ceremony at the Art Museum of Western Virginia.

Among the 42 participating regional artists are Roanoke Valley artists J.J. McDonald, Pam Ogden, Mimi Hodgin, Linda Atkinson, Ben Flora, Christine Geer, Lyn Jordan, Stephanie Klein-Davis, Diane Patton, William Rutherfoord, Ray Schink, Beth Shively, Robert Sulkin; New River Valley artists Steve Bickley, Charlie Brouwer, Martha Dillard, Donna Essig, Anna Fariello, J. Dare Johnston, Galen King, Peggy Ann Turner, Dan Yocum; Bedford County artists Susan Bidwell, Mary Boyes, Susan Loy, D.L. Luzzatto, Susan Spitz; Franklin County artists Steve Bernard, Jim Hudson, Rick Sink; Floyd artist Bruce Gholson; and Abingdon artist Carolyn Eyler.

Almost 400 slides by 135 artists were judged for entry by John Perreault, senior curator of the American Craft Museum in New York City. A $500 Best in Show award will be awarded by him with five $200 Awards of Excellence. A $100 People's Choice award will be awarded during the exhibit.

The Roanoke City Art Show will run through June 11. For more information, call The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge at 342-5790.

 by CNB