Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 16, 1993                   TAG: 9305160010
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: E10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Your sports section headline story on April 7 featured the UNC victory over Michigan, but it included a column written by Bernie Lincicome, whose byline shows that he writes for the Chicago Tribune. I thought at the time that the article was mean-spirited and offensive, but I did not feel strongly enough to complain in writing. Following my reading of the article by Dave Kindred regarding Dan Forsman's Masters in the April 13 edition, I do feel strongly enough to complain.

Neither Bernie Lincicome nor your paper has any right to label Chris Webber as "dumb" or "stupid" as the article repeatedly stated. Chris Webber is a college sophomore who has made a significant mistake at a critical stage of a game. Anyone who has played or coached knows the feeling. The following week, however, we read in the article by Kindred about Dan Forsman, a professional athlete, who at the critical stage of the premier golf tournament of the year hits two consecutive shots in the water. He is referred to in that article as "just a guy . . . just another mortal in a game eager to make immortals." How nice. Webber, an amateur, only called an inappropriate timeout, and your paper, through Bernie Lincicome, labels him dumb and stupid. Forsman, a pro, hits two consecutive shots in the creek costing him the Masters, and your paper, through Dave Kindred, kindly and gently blames his "player's instinct." Why do you think Chris Webber called a timeout?

I am very disappointed that in reporting these "mistake" stories you published such a mean-spirited, patronizing article about a fine young amateur athlete and let a professional athlete off the hook for two critical mistakes which would have embarrassed a weekend hacker. Fair is fair; and you weren't fair to Chris Webber.


 by CNB