Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 16, 1993                   TAG: 9305180170
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A REALTOR is, in one way, like a Kleenex, a Xerox and a Coke. They are all federally registered trademarks and logos.

For REALTORs, that means the word always appears in capital letters. And the "R" logo is something special. Everyone with a real estate license is not necessarily a REALTOR, says Laura Benjamin of the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS.

A REALTOR is a member of his or her national Association of REALTORS (and, by extension, the state and local associations as well) and has taken a pledge to uphold a comprehensive Code of Ethics dedicated to fairness, honesty, knowledge, competency, service to the community and protection of the individual right of real estate ownership. (The founding premise of the Code of Ethics is the Golden Rule.) This commitment is made in addition to fulfilling state requirements for passing the real estate exam and getting a real estate license.

Before joining the association, the agent must pass the state licensing examination and must be affiliated with a real estate firm.

In other words, said Benjamin, "once someone joins the association, he or she is held to higher accountability than state laws."

Like the trademark that indicates that you are using your favorite product - and not an imitation - the REALTOR logo means the buyer or seller is dealing with a person who subscribes to a strict code of ethics.

That translates, Benjamin said, "to a certain standards of behavior and to an extra avenue of recourse if a member of the public should have a complaint."

She explains that everyone who sells real estate is accountable for his actions through the courts and the state licensing authority, but only REALTORs are accountable through their local associations.

"It's like the icing on the cake," she said, "one more layer above state law" to protect the public.

Benjamin adds that people have told her they feel very comfortable when they see the REALTOR logo and know they are dealing with a member of the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS.

Subscribing to the REALTORS' Code of Ethics commits the individual REALTOR to, among other things, service to the community.

That service can take many forms, from fighting child abuse to lobbying local, state and federal governments on issues affecting REALTORS and property owners. It is no coincidence that the RVAR and its members are visible in community activities all year long.

Along with buyers, sellers and the community at large, the individual REALTORs benefit from the association, as well. Through their membership in local, state and national organizations, they are an effective lobbying voice. In fact, REALTOR associations are among the largest trade associations in the world, the United States, Virginia and the local level.

REALTORS also have access to educational opportunities. The Virginia Association of REALTORS offers the opportunity for members to obtain the GRI (Graduate REALTOR Institute) designation through three 30-hour sessions of instruction covering the whole spectrum of real estate basics in greater depth.

There also are opportunities for advanced courses in residential real estate sales and brokerage, and other specialty areas on the way to earning a variety of professional REALTOR designations.

As part of the association's commitment to educate its members, a number of materials and resources are available through the Virginia Real Estate Educational Foundation.

If REALTORS benefit from being backed by a large organization, people in need of real estate services benefit from using a REALTOR.

According to the RVAR, clients and customers are assured of dealing with a person of high professional standards, community commitment and ethical conduct. REALTORS pledge to be honorable and honest in their dealings and to adhere to the spirit of the Golden Rule.

 by CNB