Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, May 18, 1993                   TAG: 9305180024
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


The FLOYD COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION employed effort and creativity to conduct a campaign to make education a No. 1 priority. The 139-member association was recognized for its work with the Virginia Education Association's 1993 award for outstanding organizing.

The Floyd group's efforts to get adequate funding for the 1992-93 school year carried the theme "Education Should be No. 1." The association used buttons, posters, handbills, ads and ribbons for car antennas to get the message out.

The award was accepted at the VEA delegate assembly in Roanoke in late April.

A RINER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL fifth-grade team placed third in the state in the Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl, a computer contest of 100 questions requiring reasoning and research skills.

Susan Hood's class at Riner Elementary received free movie tickets from Central Fidelity Bank for correctly guessing which day the temperature would reach 75 degrees. It was April 13.

\ NATOSHA SAUNDERS of Auburn High School has been named a U.S. national award winner for Spanish by the U.S. Saunders Achievement Academy.

She is the daughter of Buford and Tenna Saunders.

The Christiansburg High School Jazz Ensemble and the Christiansburg Middle School beginning and intermediate bands will present their SPRING CONCERT tonight at 7 p.m. at Christiansburg High School.

On May 25 at 5:30 p.m., the band banquet will be held in the lower commons at Christiansburg High School.

The SPRING CONCERT by the Christiansburg High Concert Band and the Christiansburg Middle School Advanced Band will be May 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the high school.

At Blacksburg High School, Assistant Principal ALFRED SMITH has received the Distinguished Service Award for 20 years of outstanding service to vocational educational programs in Montgomery County. The award was presented by the Virginia Association of Future Homemakers of America.

American history teacher DOLORES GRAPSAS will participate in the Armonk Institute summer study fellowship in Germany. She will learn about cultural and political relations among Germany, Europe and the United States.

\ CHRIS TYSON and JONATHAN TZE, juniors at Blacksburg High School, are candidates for the National Council Teachers of English writing awards. Tyson is the son of John and Linda Tyson. Tze is the son of Chia and Laura Tze.

\ KATHRYN BRENNAN and CHARLES JERVIS, science teachers at Auburn High and Middle School, have been honored with plaques for their teaching achievements during Science and Technology Week, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Earlier this year, Brennan received the outstanding middle school science teacher award from Chemical Manufacturers' Associates. Jervis has received the President's Science Award, an annual honor bestowed on one science teacher per state.

Math teacher DENISE DAVIDSON of Shawsville High School was named the outstanding 1993 New River Valley math teacher by the Virginia Tech chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society.

Davidson is a performer with Playmakers and Company and brings a theatrical flair, as well as her love of math and teaching skills to the classroom. She received a plaque and $250 and the school got a grant of $500.

The BLACKSBURG NEW SCHOOL, a private school at 1600 Whipple Drive, is accepting registration for the 1993-94 school year. Limited spaces are available for kindergarten through third grade. Call the school at 552-6693 for more information or to schedule a tour.

\ DAVID SHELOR, a senior at Radford High School and student in the machine shop, won first in precision machining state competition. Shelor will compete nationally in Louisville, Ky., in June. He plans to attend New River Community College next fall.

Textbooks for the RADFORD CITY SCHOOLS will be on display at the Radford school administration building, 1612 Wadsworth St., May 17-21 and May 24-26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Subject areas due for adoption are literature, grades 6-12; language arts, grades 6-8; mathematics, grades K-12; and health, grades 1-12.

After approval by the School Board and the Virginia Department of Education, the textbooks will be used from July 1993 through June 1999.

The Tour DuPont bicycle race inspired seventh- and eighth-grade BLACKSBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL students to make and decorate bicycle helmets of paper mache to wear in the one-mile walk Friday.

The sixth-grade art students created mixed-media collages with bicycling themes that were displayed at Virginia Tech's Squires Student Center during the Tour duPont Expo. The art featured a silhouetted bicyclist against student-created background scenes along the course.

Joanne Anderson is filling in for Melissa DeVaughn, who is hiking the Appalachian Trail. If you have an interesting news item from your school, write to the New River Current in care of the Roanoke Times & World-News' New River Valley Bureau, P.O. Box 540, Christiansburg 24073.

 by CNB