Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 19, 1993 TAG: 9305190337 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Waymer died last month at a hospital near his home of an irregular heartbeat due to cocaine toxicity, the report said. He was 34.
The results of the report were released by Roger Rollman, a Wake Forest University spokesman, for Dr. Patrick E. Lantz, Forsyth County medical examiner.
"David B. Waymer died of cardiac dysrhythmia [irregular heartbeat] due to acute cocaine toxicity," Rollman said. "Coronary arterial stenosis [narrowing] was not causative in his death."
Waymer played in the NFL for 14 years, most recently for the Los Angeles Raiders.
In other football:
Pittsburgh Steelers running back Tim Worley was reinstated following a one-year drug suspension that forced him to sit out the 1992 season. Worley, a first-round draft choice and the Steelers' leading rusher in 1989, was initially suspended for four games in 1991, apparently for drug use. After missing two league-mandated drug tests in February 1992, he was suspended on April 29, 1992, for a year under the NFL's substance-abuse policy.