Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 19, 1993                   TAG: 9305190617
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


WE ALL face problems, tests actually, and we respond to them the way in which we see ourselves. If, for example, we believe we are a physical body, we might try to muscle a solution out of confrontation. If we see ourselves as minds, we might try to find the answer through an intellectual means. If, however, we see ourselves as spiritual, we seek our answer from a spiritual source. There are all kinds of answers.

In life, we all face bullies. There were the physical ones in school, intellectual ones in class, and now we are facing spiritual bullies who portray themselves as men of God. However, I don't find anything that reminds me of Godliness. They take the scriptures and twist them around to make their own truth. If it is true that peacemakers will be called children of God, then what will we call ministers who promote conflict? All they really want is 20 pieces of blood-stained silver and high television ratings.

I have been beaten up by every type of bully - we all have. I survived, so whenever I get a chance to jump on the side of some well-thrashed child, I like to have a go at the problem.

Why don't people concentrate on becoming better individuals and leave homosexuals to work out their conflicts, as we all must? It is easier to see the tiny splinter in another's eye than to remove the log in our own.

Remember, forgive to be forgiven. It is really quite simple, but we all know it is really a hard thing to do. MICHAEL KNOWLES CHRISTIANSBURG

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