Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 20, 1993                   TAG: 9305200186
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Associated Press and Boston Globe reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Thousands of fans turned out for a parade and rally for the Charlotte Hornets on Wednesday, thanking them for a season that culminated with the team's first playoff appearance.

Many who lined Tryon Street during lunch hour wore teal and waved white towels as they cheered the players.

"We want you all to know we appreciate the support you've given us over the last five years," said guard Muggsy Bogues as fans chanted his name. "We made it into the playoffs and we were able to extend it into the second round. And there are more good times ahead."

The Hornets were eliminated in Game 5 Tuesday night by the New York Knicks, but the mood at a rally following the parade was festive. The loss was all but forgotten as players, coaches and fans looked to the future.

"I can't wait till next year because I think we're going all the way," coach Allan Bristow yelled.

"You've just seen the beginning of what is going to happen with this club," said Charlotte owner George Shinn, who predicted five years ago when he got the franchise this would be the year the Hornets make the playoffs. "We are going to be a force to be reckoned with in the NBA."

The Hornets beat the Boston Celtics 3-1 in the first round before losing to the Knicks.

"They're still winners in my book," said Cornelia Branch, who wore a teal blazer and a Hornets hat to the parade. "They played their hearts out." Tuesday's games

\ Suns 109, Spurs 97: At Phoenix, Charles Barkley scored 11 points in 1:54 of the fourth quarter, bringing Phoenix from behind to defeat San Antonio for a 3-2 lead in the Western Conference semifinals. Barkley, breaking out of a slump that has lasted most of the playoffs, scored 19 of his 36 points in the final period after the Spurs took an 85-78 lead on Sean Elliott's dunk with 11:04 remaining. The Suns could wrap up the best-of-seven series by winning Game 6 tonight in San Antonio. David Robinson and Dale Ellis had 24 points each for the Spurs.

\ SuperSonics 120, Rockets 95: At Seattle, Ricky Pierce scored 24 points and Gary Payton added a playoff career-high 23 as Seattle beat Houston to take a 3-2 lead in a Western Conference semifinal series. The Sonics, who have all three of their victories at home, can wrap up the best-of-seven series tonight at Houston. Shawn Kemp had 19 points and 12 rebounds for the Sonics. Hakeem Olajuwon had 26 points and 14 rebounds for Houston.

\ Knicks 105, Hornets 101: At New York, Patrick Ewing was at less than his best, and New York still got the best of Charlotte. Charles Oakley and a cast of role players carried the Knicks to a win and a 4-1 series victory over the Hornets, who never quit despite trailing by 14 points in the fourth quarter. Oakley had 21 points and 11 rebounds. New York will meet the two-time defending champion Chicago Bulls in a best-of-seven series that opens Sunday. Notes

\ PACERS WANT BIRD: Indiana president Donnie Walsh said he knows convincing Larry Bird to coach the Pacers is a "long shot," but added, "I really think he's worth pursuing."

Walsh said he had an intermediary approach Bird about his interest in coaching about a month and a half ago.

"I just wanted to see if he would have any interest," said Walsh. "At that time, he said no. But then later on, I saw him on television somewhere saying he might consider coaching because he was bored with retirement.

\ DAVIS MAY RETURN: One of the doctors who operated on the shattered left elbow of Terry Davis said the Dallas Mavericks forward has "a 90 percent chance" of playing again.

Davis underwent a three-hour operation Tuesday to repair his shooting elbow, the result of a one-car accident May 2 in South Boston, Va. Davis lost control of his car and struck a tree. One passenger died in the wreck.

\ ANDERSON INJURED: San Antonio Spurs guard Willie Anderson fractured his right eye socket during Tuesday night's loss to the Phoenix Suns, a San Antonio physician determined.

Anderson incurred a small medial blowout fracture, according to a diagnosis by Dr. Walter Bain. Anderson was struck by an elbow early in the second period of the playoff game.

Anderson will be allowed to play tonight against the Suns but must wear protective goggles.

\ HAWKS LIKE RICHARDSON: Arkansas coach Nolan Richardson said the Atlanta Hawks want to talk with him about their coaching job, and he said they probably will get together this week.

"There are some that when they approach you, you don't even look into them," Richardson said. "There are others you need to sit down and take a look to see if you're interested. On this position, I owe that to myself and to my family."

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