Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 20, 1993                   TAG: 9305200396
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


BAPTIST FUNWAGON, a weekly children's program sponsored by the Roanoke Valley Association of Southern Baptists, will be used this summer by 14 Roanoke-area congregations.

Three high school and college students - Amanda Frazier, Beth Scott and Mark Mofield - have been hired to work as summer missionaries in the program.

Barbara Reed, a member of West Salem Church and chairman of the Missions Development Council, said a donated station wagon is being renovated and fitted with materials to teach and entertain children.

The trio will visit each church at specified times between June 14 and Aug. 13. Participating congregations are Green Ridge, Riverdale, Virginia Heights, Hollins Road, Forest Park, Rosalind Hills, Waverly Place, Catawba Valley, Enon, Ridgewood, Big Spring, Eagle Rock, Craig Valley and Troutville.

Reed said the goal of the weekly programs is to make contact with community children to direct them to an on-going education program during the school year.

\ THE REV. CARL NARO, will be honored Sunday on his retirement as pastor of St. Andrew's Catholic Church. Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond will celebrate a Mass in his honor at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served after Mass.

Naro, 68, has been at the Roanoke parish for three years, the last of his 43 years in the active priesthood. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and has served parishes in Fort Monroe, Williamsburg, Danville, Lynchburg, Virginia Beach and Charlottesville. He also spent periods on the staff of the diocese for mission work and helped start a school to prepare youths for the priesthood.

Naro will retire to a farm he owns in Nelson County and will be available for supply duties.

\ BRETHREN DISASTER RESPONSE, which trains volunteers to clean up debris, care for children, construct buildings and supply other necessary services will be the subject of a program Sunday at Oak Grove Church of the Brethren, 2138 McVitty Road S.W.

The Rev. Glenn Kinsel, coordinator of the program for the Virlina District of the denomination, will lead the program. Brethren and other volunteers have helped in many disasters, including the 1985 Roanoke flood and hurricane cleanup.

Call 774-3217 for more information.

\ WOMEN'S AGLOW DAY CHAPTER has scheduled a potluck meal Wednesday 26 at the Woodmen of the World Building, 2306 Peters Creek Road N.W. The prayer and praise meeting will be from 9:30 a.m. until noon. A $2 donation is requested for the breakfast. Reservations for child care can be made by calling 345-2359 or 297-7176.

\ "I BELIEVE IN AMERICA" will be presented Sunday at 7 p.m. at New Hope Christian Church, 4229 Welcome Valley Road S.W. New Hope's choir will combine with the choirs of Edgewood Christian Church and Vinton Church of Christ for the performance.

\ LUCOM, a cooperative agency of a dozen Lutheran parishes in the Roanoke Valley, is raising funds to erect a third Habitat for Humanity house in the spring of 1994. The Rev. Chip Gunsten, a leader in the project, said a site is still being sought.

\ WESTHAMPTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Nature Camp July 10 at 4 p.m.

The camp, originally directed by Thayer and the late Bill Walker, has averaged 25-30 children each year, all of whom have attended free.

Former campers, counselors and others associated with the camp are invited to share their experiences and memorabilia. The event will be at the church, 2515 Grandin Road S.W.

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB