Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, May 21, 1993                   TAG: 9305210230
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


As if being crowned a B'nai B'rith athletic and achievement award winner would not suffice in and of itself, both of this year's winners had the additional satisfaction of having the experience carry strong family subplots.

Jennifer Stewart of Northside High had the unprecedented honor of being nominated for the award along with her twin brother, Jonathan. Glenvar's Brandon Semones became the second member of his family to win the award after his brother, Mitch, was a 1990 honoree.

"The award itself is a great honor," Stewart said. "But the greatest thing about it for me was to be here with my brother."

Jonathan is six minutes Jennifer's junior. Both have had exemplary high school careers in track, cross country and athletics.

As for Brandon Semones, traveling in his brother's path made the evening all the more memorable.

"This is the greatest award I've gotten because it recognizes both athletics and academics," he said. "It means a lot to me, especially because of my brother."

The award has been given annually to boys since 1951 and to girls since 1976. A panel of judges from Roanoke and Hollins Colleges decides on a winner based on a formula of 50 percent athletics, 25 percent scholarship, and 25 percent personal conduct.

New this year is the inclusion of nominees from Craig County, James River, and Roanoke Valley Christian School. The nominees were toasted at a dinner and the featured speaker was Roanoke Times & World-News publisher Walter Rugaber.

Stewart's achievements and activities range from cheerleading and sports to being a student representative on the Roanoke County bond referendum committee. She is the top student in her class. She plans to attend the University of Virginia next year and study either psychology or English.

Semones has been student council president at Glenvar, has participated in Toys for Tots, and has worked with Habitat for Humanity, among other endeavors. Perhaps he is best known for his dominating athletic performance - particularly in football, in which he made All-Timesland as a senior and led the Highlanders to heretofore unheard of heights - and in wrestling. As a wrestler, Semones won 75 straight matches and three consecutive state championships. He will play football and work on a business-related degree at Virginia Tech next year.

 by CNB