Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, May 22, 1993                   TAG: 9305220219
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: HOUSTON                                LENGTH: Short


The Washington Redskins have told the Houston Oilers to complete a deal for outside linebacker Wilber Marshall today or lose permission to negotiate with him, a broadcast report said Friday night.

"There is a deadline, but what's to say they might not lift it again later?" Oilers general manager Mike Holovak told WRIV-TV. "Anytime you're talking trade, either party can pull out anytime they wish. I didn't expect it but it can happen, you always know that."

Marshall is the Redskins' franchise player under terms of the NFL's new collective bargaining agreement and will remain with the Redskins unless a deal can be worked out.

Sources told the station that Richard Bennett, Marshall's agent, and the Oilers made progress in their discussions on Friday. Marshall dropped his demand for a multi-year contract if a monetary deal can be reached on a one-year agreement.

Under terms of the NFL agreement, Marshall's minimum salary with the Redskins for this season would be $2.35 million.

The Oilers already have agreed to give the Redskins first- and fifth-round draft picks next season for Marshall. But the two sides have been unable to agree on the size of the contract.

Oilers defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan wants Marshall, and Marshall wants to play in Houston. Marshall played for Ryan with the Chicago Bears in 1984-85.

 by CNB