Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 23, 1993                   TAG: 9305210422
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Stacy Leigh Littrell and Warren S. Neily, III, were united in marriage on May 22, 1993, at twelve o'clock noon. The ceremony was performed at the First United Methodist Church in Salem,Virginia, with the Reverend Jonathan L. Bennett officiating. The reception was held at Hidden Valley Country Club.

Karen Littrell Walters, of Salem,Virginia, was her sister's matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Wendy Randall and Tonya Clemons of Richmond; Linda Clary of Blacksburg; Robin Hardy of Roanoke; Jane Wood of Marion, North Carolina, sister of the groom; and Laura Neily of Blacksburg, sister of the groom. Theflowergirl was Rachael Creasey, cousin of the bride.

The best man was Warren S. Neily, Jr., father of the groom. The groomsmen were William Bennett, III, of Orlean, Virginia; Robert Bennett of Cincinnati, Ohio;Michael Marin of Vail, Colorado; Steven Schug of Tawneytown, Maryland; William Wood, III, of Marion, North Carolina; and James K. Skipper, III, of Burtonsville, Maryland. The ringbearer was Nicholaus Creasey, cousin of the bride.

The guestbook was attended by Kate Bodkins. Wedding music was provided by Judy Snyder, organist; and WilliamSnyder, vocalists. Wedding flowers and program coordination were done by George Seymour.

The bride is the daughter of Mr.William L. and Dr. Peggy C. Littrell, of Salem, Virginia. She graduated fromSalem High School, Salem, Virginia, and Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia.

The groom is the son of Mr. Warren S. Neily, Jr., and Mrs. Judith Toney Neily of Blacksburg, Virginia. He graduated from Blacksburg High School, Blacksburg,Virginia and Radford University, Radford, Virginia.

Following the wedding trip, the couple will live in Christiansburg, Virginia.

 by CNB