Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, June 2, 1993                   TAG: 9306020179
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Pick your favorite description for Charlie Kreye. Martyr? Glutton for punishment? A guy who doesn't know when to quit? Rocky Balboa?

The Christiansburg High School soccer team's goalie won't mind what you call him today. He'll take anything you fire, deflect it, and simply walk away with a smile.

Kreye played the game of his life Tuesday night, stopping a barrage of shots, as Christiansburg defeated William Byrd 2-1 in a state Group AA quarterfinal at Byrd's field. The Blue Demons (12-6-1) advance to a state semifinal Friday night against New River Valley District rival Blacksburg, a team they will meet for the fifth time this season. Blacksburg has won all four previous matchups by a total score of 22-1.

The Christiansburg-Byrd game was decided on penalty kicks. After 100 minutes of play (two 40-minute halves, two five-minute overtimes, and two five-minute sudden-death periods), the score was 1-1. Each team took five penalty kicks, alternating shots. Christiansburg made its first three, while the Terriers went 1-for-3. When Byrd's Chris Sowers was wide right on his team's fourth try, the Blue Demons could celebrate.

"Charlie absolutely kept us in the game, especially when they pressured us in the second half," Christiansburg coach Sam Gursal said.

Kreye made 16 saves in the second half, as Kevin Niday and Andy McCaskill led a relentless attack by the Terriers.

Christiansburg took a 1-0 lead midway through the first half, when Aaron Tuggle scored on a direct free kick.

"I was somewhat disappointed the way our team reacted to that kick," Byrd coach Jeff Highfill said. "It didn't appear that we were moving the way we should have."

Byrd's Niday scored four minutes into the second half on a shot that Kreye lost in the setting sun. Byrd kept the pressure on, but Kreye was up to the challenge.

"Except for the shot he lost in the sun, he was perfect," Gursal said.

Byrd, which suffered injuries to leading scorers McCaskill and Michael Berry, finished the season 16-3.

 by CNB