Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 4, 1993                   TAG: 9306040218
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Paul McCartney turned back the clock Wednesday night for 48,000 fans at his first Milwaukee concert in 29 years. His last performance in Milwaukee was with the three other Beatles on Sept. 4, 1964.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin's critique of the Big Mac and fries he chowed down on Wednesday at a new McDonald's in Moscow, quoted in The Washington Post: "Not enough salt in the hamburger."

The title of Janis Ian's first album in 12 years, "Breaking the Silence," discloses she's a lesbian. "Everybody in my family has always known," said Ian, 42. "Everybody in the music industry has known. But it is something I didn't talk about with the press, or evaded when I was pushed." She added, "It's hard to justify having worked for black civil rights in the '60s and not work for my own civil rights in the '90s."

Berry Gordy Jr., the 63-year-old founder of Motown Records, filed for divorce from his wife, Grace, this week in Los Angeles. The split happened April 23, less than three years into their marriage. Irreconcilable differences, as they say. The couple's assets will be divvied up according to prenuptial agreements, and that means no support payments for her. They have no children.

Jerry Lee Lewis' rock 'n' roll mementos have won a reprieve from the IRS auction block. A federal judge in Memphis, Tenn., put a stop to Wednesday's auction of two pianos and hundreds of other items seized in a May 6 raid on the rocker's rural Mississippi home because Lewis' wife, Kerrie Lewis, says lots of the things are actually hers. The "Great Balls of Fire" singer, who owes the IRS more than $3 million, moved to Ireland this year with his wife and their young son. A June 10 hearing was set on Kerrie Lewis' claim.

 by CNB