Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 10, 1993                   TAG: 9306100230
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


LINDA H. MARKHAM, western regional manager and vice president of Virginia First Savings Bank, has been elected president of the Valley Network, Business and Professional Women for 1993-94.

Markham, who was selected the group's outstanding member for 1992-93, also serves on the board of directors for the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce.

\ JOHN LAMBERT ASSOCIATES, a Roanoke marketing communications firm, has won a statewide award from the 1992 Virginia Public Relations Conference.

The Medallion award was given for work performed for the 1992 Renew Roanoke campaign, and was chosen from among 50 submitted in the statewide contest. It is the agency's 14th award in as many years.

\ ROBIN SAUL, formerly of Roanoke, has been named vice president/publisher of the Carroll County Times, Westminster, Md. She has served as vice president/production of the Virginian-Pilot/Ledger-Star in Norfolk since 1991.

In addition to publishing the newspaper, Saul will be responsible for a large commercial web offset printing operation and numerous rack-distributed real-estate books.

\ DONALD BAKER of Roanoke has received the 1992 regional sales award from Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp. of East Hanover, N.J.

\ AVIS CONSTRUCTION CO. of Roanoke has been awarded the High Performance Award by Butler Manufacturing. The award recognizes companies that have exceeded Butler's local and national sales goals and marketing objectives.

\ NELLIE A. "MANDY" KIRBY, a Modern Woodmen of America representative for the Roanoke area, has attained the Fraternal Insurance Counselor designation.

She worked more than a year to meet the examination and career development criteria set by the Fraternal Field Managers Association.

\ MARK S. MILLER of Roanoke has been recognized as one of the top distributors in the mid-Atlantic region by Mac Tools Inc., a developer, manufacturer and international distributor of tools and equipment for technicians.

\ MIKE McGINTY of Clayton Homes in Hollins received top sales honors during the company's annual awards banquet in Atlanta.

McGinty has worked with Clayton since 1987.

 by CNB