Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, June 13, 1993                   TAG: 9306140141
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: E8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Move over, ladies. It looks as if Lee Shirley is ready to play through.

"We've known for a good while that Lee was coming," said Dot Bolling. "Well, she's here now."

Shirley, who at 16 figures to be Roanoke's future in women's golf, put on a show in Saturday's first round of the Roanoke Valley Golf Hall of Fame women's tournament at Hidden Valley.

Shirley fired a 4-over-par 76, good enough for a one-shot lead over veteran Nancy Shuck and a three-shot cushion over Bolling.

The teen-ager's play surprised no one. The veteran players on the local women's scene have been charting Shirley's progress for some time. And they realize they soon will be playing for second.

"Wow, I wish I was 16 again," Bolling said. "Lee has the entire game, and besides that, she's nice.

"She's really something. She was blowing her driver 50, 60 yards past me. I couldn't believe it. But I'm tickled to death that we have a young player like her coming up the ranks."

Shirley, who just finished her junior year at the North Cross School, shrugged off her round as "lucky."

"I was lucky that I made some putts," she said. "I could have shot worse. It was a good day, though. I'm pretty comfortable playing with the older women here now. They're all nice to me."

Shuck, whose previous best Hall of Fame finish is fifth, has heard all about the leader. She will play with Shirley for the first time in today's final round at Hanging Rock.

"Lee will think I'm hitting my 5-iron," Shuck said, referring to Shirley's noted length off the tee.

"I think it's great that she's so good and so young. We need another Donna Andrews around here. I'm thrilled to death to play with her, but . . ."

The only other players within striking distance of the leader are 1991 champion Mar-C Milona, four-time champion Penny Stallins, two-time winner Audrey Najjum and Marilyn Bussey, all at 81.

Sara Cole, the 1992 champion, opened with an 82.

In team play, the performances of Bolling and Shuck gave Hidden Valley a five-shot lead over Roanoke Country Club and 1992 champion Countryside.

 by CNB