Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, June 13, 1993                   TAG: 9306150379
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


ON May 27, the House of Representatives endorsed a plan that raises $246 billion through new tax increases. Did those voting for this represent the feelings of their constituents? My guess is that most could relate with Solomon Ortiz, D-Texas, who said that in three days prior to the vote, he received 600 phone calls against the bill. One phone call, from his campaign manager, supported it.

Regardless, Democrats lined up and cast their "yea" votes to try to rescue their inept president. For what other reason could individuals elected to represent the people of their districts ignore phone calls and letters? How could they justify the ratio of new taxes ($246 billion) to spending cuts ($97 billion)? With the exception of Owen Pickett, all of Virginia's Democratic representatives voted for this plan, which increases the amount of Social Security benefits to be taxed by 35 percent while increasing spending on food stamps by $7 billion. Bob Goodlatte and the rest of the Republican delegation stood in solidarity against it.

The most disturbing element was the reaction of representatives when they registered enough votes to carry the plan. In an appalling sophomoric display, reflective of the White House lead, Democrats clapped, yelled, hooted and hollered after laying a tremendous burden on their constituents - a burden their constituents do not support. I hope those in districts represented by Boucher, Payne, et al., will recall the callousness displayed as your hard-earned dollars were offered up to save a failing presidency.

This is not the system of government our forefathers fought and died to establish. Our whole values system is being replaced with a mandate of "anything goes." Clinton is determined to tear apart the moral fiber of this country, and Congress will see to it that we finance the project. DONALD R. KELLY ROANOKE

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