Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 15, 1993                   TAG: 9306150037
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Timesland players dominate the West rosters for the Virginia High School Coaches' Association all-star basketball games scheduled for the Hampton Coliseum on Monday, July 12.

The girls' basketball East-West game will start at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by the boys' contest at 8:30.

The West boys are paced by two players - Jemare Crump and Carlos Rhodes - from Roanoke Valley District champion William Fleming. Other Timesland boys' players for the West are Chris Foster of Pulaski County, Michael Hunter of Alleghany and Lonzy Robertson of Laurel Park.

Each squad will have an Associated Press player of the year. The East will be led by Spotswood's Carey Keyes, the Group AA's top player, who averaged 20 points and five assists. The West will be paced by Twin Spring's Landon Bayes, the best in Group A, who averaged 28 points and 11 rebounds. Both players led their teams to state championships.

In the girls' game, Group AA player of the year Sherry Banks of William Byrd heads a West team that has six Timesland players. She is joined by George Wythe's Eve Kendall, Blacksburg's Katie Ollendick, Fleming's Marqueetta Randolph, Cave Spring's Kim Stewart and Radford's Michelle Wyms.

The East girls will be led by Group AAA player of the year 6-foot-2 La'Keshia Frett and Group A player of the year 6-6 Angela Gorsica of Wilson Memorial.

Frett averaged 35 points and 11 rebounds a game. She will attend Georgia next year. Gorsica averaged 24 points a game and will attend Vanderbilt. Banks averaged 20.7 points a game and will attend Virginia Tech.

The complete rosters: \

Please see microfilm for the complete rosters

 by CNB