Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, June 19, 1993                   TAG: 9306190204
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Federal prosecutors say Susan F. Stone appeared to be living beyond the means of her $42,000 salary.

But federal investigators have refused to reveal how she spent the more than $1.5 million they believe she embezzled.

An FBI affidavit filed with a search warrant for the house and office of the Martinsville trust banker was carefully edited by prosecutors, leaving five blank pages where her assets originally were listed.

Stone, 43, is the focus of a federal investigation into what authorities say is at least a $1.5 million embezzlement from trust accounts of Lucy Pannill Sale, an heiress to the Pannill Knitting fortune.

No charges have been placed in the case.

Records on file at the Henry County Commissioner of Revenue's office valued the personal property of Stone and her husband, Harry, at about $65,000 in 1992. According to the affidavit, it could not be determined if Stone's husband is employed.

Commissioner of Revenue Lucy Clark said personal property taxes are paid primarily on automobiles and boats. She could not specify what items the Stones had claimed as personal property.

The Stones also were assessed taxes on $263,700 worth of real estate in Henry County in 1992.

Their property included a $75,400 store building on U.S. 58, a house and property valued at $58,100, and their residence valued at $140,700.

Clark said the store was bought in March 1987 for about $85,000. It has been demolished as part of the U.S. 58 upgrade. The property will be valued at $2,000 for 1993 tax purposes.

In 1988, the Stones put a $66,800 addition onto their Ridgeway home, which previously had been valued at $67,400, Clark said. The Stones live about 10 miles from downtown Martinsville in a large, brick ranch home with an adjoining swimming pool and garage.

In 1990, they purchased another lot and put their second house on it, Clark said.

Susan Stone also is listed as the owner of a mobile home at Myrtle Beach, S.C., according to the auditor's office for Horry County.

Lance Thompson, manager of Ocean Lakes Campground, said lots such as the one leased by Stone require a payment of $242 a month.

 by CNB