Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, June 19, 1993                   TAG: 9306220350
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


THANKS for your June 9 editorial ("GOP taken over fair and square"). I was one of those delegates new to politics and voting for what is being labeled "the most uncompromisingly conservative ticket." I'm not so sure that it is the most conservative ticket. I found Marshall Coleman extremist in his views, and voted for Wilder in the last gubernatorial election. And the Republican platform has softened its position on abortion, reflecting how most Virginians feel about the issue.

As you said in your editorial, I did everything according to the rules. I tried to evaluate all the information I could get on the candidates. I showed up, ready to vote and prepared to support any of the fine candidates who would win our party's nomination. I left the convention believing I had done my civic duty and feeling good about being an American and a Republican.

Imagine my horror when I read the next day's paper and discovered that I was being called a Nazi by a Republican convention delegate!

You are right to ask where the moderates were. Nobody told them to stay home. But I think if they made an honest assessment of our candidates, they would definitely find them preferable to Mary Sue Terry & Co. Allen, Farris and Gilmore stand for lower taxes, better education, getting tough on crime and bringing honesty and unity to our state's government. Those are things all Virginians can live with and vote for! LISA C. FLEISCHHAUER ROANOKE

 by CNB