Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 24, 1993                   TAG: 9306240061
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


TERRY DADIO will take over the women's basketball program, which has been elevated to varsity level, and volleyball for the Generals.

Terry Dadio, Washington and Lee's newest athletic department employee, has been described as a "high-energy person."

Considering Dadio's job - actually jobs - description, energy may be as important as any item on her resume.

Dadio on Wednesday was named the first full-time head coach of the W & L women's basketball program, which has been elevated from club to varsity status for the 1993-94 season. She also will become the first full-time head coach of the Generals' 5-year-old volleyball program, as well as a teacher in the school's physical education department.

Dadio, 23, was selected from a pool of more than 30 applicants. She is a 1992 graduate of Lafayette (Pa.) College, where she finished her basketball career as the third-leading scorer in school history (1,283 points). She was a two-year captain and a two-time All-Patriot League forward.

Last season, Dadio was a graduate assistant with the Trenton (N.J.) State College women's basketball program. Dadio couldn't be reached for comment.

"Terry has an interesting challenge in maintaining an established volleyball program and also becoming the first coach of women's basketball," said Mike Walsh, W & L's athletic director. "But we feel she has the background and enthusiasm to handle it. She's a high-energy person."

Walsh mentioned that Trenton State women's basketball coach Mika Ryan told him Dadio "set the standards for graduate assistants" at the school.

The W & L women's basketball program had competed as a club team for the past three seasons. It will play a full schedule as an NCAA Division III independent next season, and will join the Old Dominion Athletic Conference for the 1994-95 season.

 by CNB