Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 24, 1993                   TAG: 9306240476
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Social welfare council names award winners

The Blue Ridge District of the Virginia Council on Social Welfare has announced winners of its annual awards.

The Gene Camden Scholarship was presented to Jackie Saul, a senior at Cave Spring High School. She plans to study human services in college.

Jeri Dudley of the Roanoke Department of Social Services was named outstanding citizen for her efforts in organizing a camp participation of 3,000 youths.

ABC Quilts was honored as outstanding organization for providing handmade quilts to children who are HIV positive or suffering from other serious illnesses.

Roger Stultz, Blue Ridge District chairman, was presented the outstanding member award for his efforts in increasing membership and participation in Roanoke and surrounding areas.

Betty Burris received the state award for outstanding citizen, and Raleigh Campbell was given the state council's award for outstanding member.

The Blue Ridge District also was named outstanding district for 1992-93.

District officers for 1993-94 are: Darlene Young, chairwoman; John Sabean, vice chairman; Janet Stockton and Kim Keesee, secretaries; Pam Kestner-Chappelear, treasurer; and Faye Caldwell, representative to state board of directors.

Roanoke Optimist Club honors DARE officers

The Optimist Club of Roanoke recognized four Drug Abuse Resistance Education officers at its recent "Respect for Law" dinner.

The officers were: Ronald Thompson, town of Vinton; Rosemary McElvein, city of Salem; James Stanley, Roanoke County; and Michael Rayl, city of Roanoke.

 by CNB