Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 5, 1993                   TAG: 9307070426
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


I MUST say that the titles assigned to recent opinions on the "World Class Education/Common Core of Learning" initiative were "eye-catching:" "Don't swallow `World Class Education' " (June 15 commentary by Dr. Wayne Brackenrich) and "Are schools asylums run by inmates?" (June 21 letter by Betty G. Price). But the problem with opinions is that they are just that!

Information I have and interpretations from educators I trust lead me to be in support of "World Class Education" and to seriously wonder where these experts on the perceived evils of the plan get their information.

I have not read or seen proof of any plan to usurp parental rights, teach values, not teach basic elements of education or any of the other things opponents are using in their scare language directed at parents.

Brackenrich compares "apples and oranges." My quip: He was trying to drum up business. If you believe his interpretation, you need to be examined closely. Of course, "Outcome Based Education" is experimental as all programs are initially. If enough children and youth are not learning what they need to know in the classroom (and they are not), then we must regroup. Objectives are important; desired outcome is essential. Virginia's plan is not the same as California's, Chicago's or any other single plan. It encompasses the best of the best, and it makes good sense to me.

Ms. Price agrees with Brackenrich, and then proceeds to give arguments for the implementation of the "World Class Education" objectives. She makes some valid points and sees the need for change, but I believe she is opposed to a program that could help achieve the changes she desires.

Iris C. Rotberg's June 18 commentary ("One sure fire solution: End disparities") was the best, most to the point, accurate opinion you have published. School reform is a very serious and necessary undertaking.

The state Departent of Education is not out to get anybody. Its agenda is not to undermine the education of our children or leave parents out of the decisions regarding that education. I urge parents to get more information about the "World Class Education/Common Core of Learning" initiative. Your school will gladly share the information and listen to your concerns. Don't let anyone's rhetoric or propaganda, mine included, make up your mind for you. Blind faith is just as dangerous and damaging as ignorance. Get involved, work with schools and teachers, work for changes needed and for funding to achieve the changes. Virginia educators need our help, input and support, not our animosity.

Public education has the gargantuan job of educating every child it gets to the best of its ability. As a parent, a school volunteer, a substitute teacher, a community member, and a child/youth advocate through PTA, I know they are working hard to do just that! Get on board or get off their backs!

Sandra M. Saunders of Hardy works as a volunteer at an elementary school.

 by CNB