Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 7, 1993                   TAG: 9307070223
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The 1994 NCAA Women's Final Four in Richmond is a sellout, the earliest in the 12-year history of the basketball event.

Virginia Commonwealth, the host school, announced Tuesday that all tickets available to the general public are gone. The Division I semifinals will be played April 2-3 at the 12,500-seat Richmond Coliseum.

"We felt extremely confident about a sellout all along," said Dr. Richard Sander, Virginia Commonwealth's athletic director, "but we are way ahead of even our own expectations."

In other news in the region:

Brandon Scruggs of Gretna shot a par 71 Tuesday to take a one-shot lead in the third annual Andrew Haley Memorial Junior Gol' tournament at Lynwood Golf & Country Club in Martinsville.

Tim Bower of Floyd is second in the 16- to 18-year-old age group with a 72. Stuart Meese of Sandy Level is third at 73.

Others within striking distance of the lead heading into today's final round include Bassett's Brad Lawrence (75), Roanoke's Ryan Ketron (76), Ridgeway's Chad Wright (77), Roanoke's Joe Surkamer III (78), Wytheville's Will Lovelace (78) and Christiansburg's Benjamin Kitts (78).

Daniel Claybrook of Stoneville, N.C., shot a 73 to take the lead in the 14-15 age group. Jason Holland of Martinsville and Jack Tsai of Hampton each shot a 74.

Michael Loftin of Stoneville, N.C., carded a 72 from the red tees to open an 11-shot cushion in the 12-13 age group. Roanoke's Brandon La Croix is third at 84.

Shelby Scruggs, younger sister of Brandon Scruggs, shot an 83 to take a six-shot lead in the girls' division.

The Roanoke Stars' under-18 girls' basketball team was eliminated from the AAU championship tournament Monday night in Chattanooga, Tenn.

The Stars dropped an 86-80 decision to Mississippi and went home with a 1-2 record. Michele Wyms scored 26 points and Sherry Banks added 23 for Roanoke against Mississippi.

The Stars' under-16 team won its pool with a 3-0 record, but dropped both games Tuesday in the double-elimination round. The Lady Knights of Texas beat Roanoke 82-71, and the Bruins of Pennsylvania routed the Stars 94-74.

University of Virginia center Jeffra Gausepohl and former Cavaliers Heather and Heidi Burge are among 15 players who have been invited to the USA Basketball Women's Premier Post Program.

The elite four-day clinic, to be held July 31 through Aug. 4 in Colorado Springs, Colo., is for players 6 feet 4 inches or taller who have completed at least one season of collegiate competition.

 by CNB