Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, July 25, 1993                   TAG: 9307250151
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


City Councilman James Harvey:

"He is putting in a lot of time and work. He ruffles the feathers of some people. But maybe that's what is needed on some issues. He is outspoken, and that is what I was afraid of if he became mayor. I still don't always agree with his style.

"But all in all, I think he has tried to do a good job. He has surprised me in some ways. I have to give him credit for what he has done."

C.W. Toney, president of the Southwest Building and Construction Trades Council:

"We are pleased with what he has done, and we back him 100 percent. He is fighting an uphill battle sometimes because some council members don't seem to want to work with him. He should have been appointed to the Hotel Roanoke Conference Center Commission, but council blocked that.

"I think he has tried to do what he can to to give everyone a chance to get part of the hotel work. I'm not sure this will happen, but I think David has tried to do what he can to make this happen.'

Thomas Robertson, president of Carilion Health System and chairman of the Roanoke Valley Business Council:

"I think David has assumed the job with a lot of energy. I am impressed with what he is trying to do. He is off to a good start. One thing I like about him is that you know where he stands.

"I think the business community likes what he's trying to do. We don't always agree on everything, but I have found he is willing to listen to opposing views."

Evelyn Bethel, president of the Historic Gainsboro Preservation District:

"I don't have a measuring stick to evaluate how he has done as mayor, but I don't think he has been fair to Gainsboro. I think he was unfair last December when he cut off discussion on the hearing on the realignment of Wells Avenue. He wouldn't allow me to continue and complete what I wanted to say.

"I don't think he has realized the potential of the Gainsboro neighborhood as a tourist attraction. They are spending $42 million on the Hotel Roanoke project. If they spent a fraction of that on Gainsboro, say $2 million, it could become a tremendous attraction."

City Councilman Howard Musser:

"I think he has tried to do a good job. He is a little more politically minded than I would like, but that is the way he is. I think council has tried to work with him when we thought he was right, and we didn't agree when we thought he was wrong.

"I think the issue of consolidation and the dilemma facing cities needs to be raised. Something has to be done, and the state legislature needs to deal with it. I don't fault him for bringing it up."

City Councilman Delvis "Mac" McCadden:

"He is a young man who has a lot of drive and works hard. You have to admire the effort he puts into the job, although I don't always agree with him. He has done a good job of trying to make peace among council members.

"I personally think that raising the consolidation issue now could be injurious to the cause. I think [Roanoke County] needs to be persuaded that working together is best. You can't gain anything by threatening them. You can't change people's minds by just telling them to do it.

"Overall, I think he has had a positive year, even thought he has alienated some people."

 by CNB