Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 28, 1993                   TAG: 9307280072
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Associated Press reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jeff George is not a happy camper.

The Indianapolis Colts quarterback, who reportedly wants to be traded, is being fined $4,000 a day for missing training camp.

George's fine total increased to $52,000 Tuesday, but there still was no sign of him at camp in Anderson, Ind.

"I've had no contact from him at all," Colts coach Ted Marchibroda said. "I haven't heard a word from him."

If George continues to miss practice, he may not be ready to start the Colts' exhibition opener Aug. 7 at Seattle.

George was due in camp July 15, but he reportedly stayed in Fort Myers, Fla., before returning to Indiana on Monday.

George hasn't commented on his situation, but he apparently is unhappy with the fans in Indianapolis, who turned on the former hometown hero last season.

"Jeff is a hell of a quarterback and has a bright future, but he's hurting himself," linebacker Jeff Herrod said. "We need him back out here, but we need him to come back with a positive attitude."

\ BILLS: Former Virginia Tech defensive end Bruce Smith made it official Tuesday, signing a four-year, $13.5-million contract with the Buffalo Bills.

"I'm not complaining, put it that way," said Smith, the NFL's defensive player of the year in 1990. "I'm very happy. I'm a wealthy person."

The contract is almost identical to the one signed last week by Bills running running back Thurman Thomas. With a salary cap on the horizon, the Bills wanted to sign two of the stars who helped them win three consecutive AFC championships.

"This is a year when we've got to take care of things," general manager John Butler said. "Next year, you never know how they're going to change the rules."

\ HALL OF FAME ADDITION: The Pro Football Hall of Fame said it is adding an $8 million theater system that gives visitors an insider's view of NFL locker rooms and sidelines.

Visitors will enter the two-story complex on the upper level and see an eight-minute video presentation on players' preparations for a game.

Theater seats will then rotate into a mockup of a stadium for an 18-minute game presentation. NFL Films will prepare the game film, the hall said in a news release.

 by CNB