Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 28, 1993                   TAG: 9307280211
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Vinton's volunteer fire chief said Tuesday that state police investigators have been asked to determine whether allegations made by an anonymous letter-writer about misuse of funds in the department are true.

"I can only conclude that these anonymous complaints are coming from an individual or individuals who want to destroy our volunteer system," said Chief Barry Fuqua, who denied the allegations.

Vinton Town Manager Clay Goodman said state police investigators were called in because "if we had tried to get to the bottom of it ourselves, it might have looked like a cover-up."

He said the town "will leave the door open" to prosecute the writer of the letter if his or her identity is discovered and the intent was malicious.

James Ruhland, a state police assistant special agent, wouldn't discuss the allegations or say how long the investigation might take.

During the past few weeks, letters containing accusations against the Fire Department and other emergency departments have been mailed to Police Chief Ricky Foutz, Goodman said. He said he did not know why the letters were sent to Foutz.

Calling the allegations "slanderous," Fuqua said, "Business has always been conducted in the same manner since our department was formed in 1925, the only exception being that more-detailed records have been kept in recent years, since I became chief in 1982."

Lt. Roger Cupp, who has been with the department 11 years, said the letters are a blow to the tight-knit group of volunteers who make up the department.

 by CNB