Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, August 8, 1993 TAG: 9308080136 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: E7 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
David Partridge of Richmond, the 1993 State Amateur champion, shot a 70 to finish third in the first round of the rain-shortened tourney. David Brogan of Lexington is fourth at 71.
Roanoker Chris Clemons shot a 73. Fellow Roanoker Jack Tuttle and Pulaski native Chuck Pickle are one shot back at 74.
Other area players' scores:
Bill Sibbick, (Martinsville), 75; J.W. Entsminger (Lexington), 76; Barry Graham (Salem), 77; Barry Wirt (Roanoke), 79; Blair Nicely (Lexington), 80; Jason Perdue (Troutville), 81; Ned Baber (Roanoke), 82; and Barry Wolfe (Roanoke), 83.