Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, August 23, 1993                   TAG: 9308230030
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Roanoke City Councilman Howard Musser remained in guarded condition Sunday at Lewis-Gale Hospital where he is recovering from a stroke.

But Councilman James Harvey said Musser seemed to be improved, even though the hospital has reported no change in his condition.

Harvey, a friend of Musser, said Musser is alert and his vital signs are good.

"I have no doubt that he'll be fine. He's improved, but it's just going to take a while for him to recover," Harvey said, after visiting Musser on Sunday.

Musser regrets he will miss City Council's meeting today on the Roanoke Gas Co. franchise, Harvey said.

Mayor David Bowers said Musser's illness won't cause any change in the plans and schedule for the meeting.

Because of the Aug. 30 deadline for deciding whether to keep open its option of pursuing the acquisition of the gas company's assets in the city, council can't delay action. It is not scheduled to meet again until Sept. 13.

Harvey said it's too early to say whether Musser will continue his campaign as an independent candidate for commissioner of revenue in the November election. Musser wants to stay in the race, Harvey said, but his decision may depend heavily on his doctors' recommendation.

"If the doctors say it's OK, I am sure he'll do it," Harvey said.

Musser, a councilman for 11 years, is running against Marsha Fielder, the Democratic nominee. The Republicans did not nominate a candidate.

Musser, a Democrat, decided to run as an independent after David Anderson, deputy city treasurer, was defeated by Fielder for the Democratic nomination.

If Musser were unable to continue his duties as a council member, council would choose someone to complete his term, which ends June 30.

Musser suffered a stroke either late Friday or early Saturday. Harvey found him stricken in his apartment. Musser had fallen and remained on the floor for several hours until Harvey went to check on him after he failed to answer the phone or the door. Musser has lived alone since his recent divorce.

 by CNB