Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, August 24, 1993                   TAG: 9308240651
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Radford High School ninth-grader EVAN GREGORY attended a three-week program about science, computers and mathematics professions, dubbed SCAMP, at the University of Virginia in July. In addition to hearing lectures and participating in discussions, Evan visited a nuclear reactor, laser laboratory, the NASA facility at Langley, an information age exhibit at Smithsonian Institution and other technical facilities.

"I was amazed at all the computers and equipment and what they can do," said Evan. "Everything was great!"

During the school year, SCAMP participants work on a computer project, and they meet four Saturdays to discuss progress. Evan has chosen ancient architecture for his topic of interest and plans to develop a computer program with data for educational purposes and the capability for users to create a castle or cathedral to specification.

"I think I'll be an engineer or a mathematician," he declared.

The program is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of its Young Scholars Program and Early Alert initiative. Evan will spend another week in Charlottesville next summer. He is the son of Russell and Dana Gregory of Radford.

\ RADFORD CITY SCHOOLS will be open on Sept. 2, 8:30 a.m.-noon and 1-3:30 p.m., for collecting student fees. Schools are scheduled to open for classes on Sept. 7.

\ BLACKSBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL is holding orientation day Sept. 2, noon-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. Parents and students are welcome to meet teachers and pay fees. Book rent is $24 per pupil, locker fee is $2 and homework assignment book fee is $2. The student bookstore will sell combination locks for $3.50. Volunteers will provide assistance with bus schedules and building tours.

\ SNOWVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will hold an open house Thursday, 4-6 p.m., for pupils and parents to meet teachers and pay school fees of $26 per pupil.

Business Day for GILES COUNTY SCHOOLS will be Sept. 2, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the secondary schools and 1-7 p.m. at the elementary schools. Parents may meet with teachers and pay fees. Textbook rental for grades K-3 is $22; grades 4-7, $26; and grades 8-12, $30. Checks should be made out to the school the student will attend. Eighth grade orientation is Sept. 2, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Giles and Narrows high schools.

Parents and pupils in grades 1-5 at GILBERT LINKOUS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL may pay book rent fees of $26 and meet the teachers on Sept. 1, 3:30-7:30 p.m. New student orientation will be held 4-5 p.m.

Kindergarten orientation will be the same day 6:30-7:30 p.m. The book rental fee is also $26 per pupil.

\ MARGARET BEEKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will host an open house for pupils and parents on Sept. 1, 4:30-6:30 p.m. The school supply fee of $26 per pupil should be paid at that time.

\ BLACKSBURG NEW SCHOOL, a private, alternative elementary school for kindergarten through fifth grade, will hold registration for prekindergarten and kindergarten on Thursday, 9 a.m-3 p.m. The school is located at 1600 Whipple Drive. For more information, call 552-8335 or 552-5323.

The Foundation of Litton Industries has awarded a $1,500 grant to\ PRICES FORK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL under the company's Education Support Program. The money will be used to support a horticulture program which uses computer programs to monitor and evaluate greenhouse operations.

From mulch to microscopes and math materials to the bathroom sinks, Principal Denise Boyle reports lots of new things in store for\ ELLISTON-LAFAYETTE ELEMENTARY. Five new teachers and new playground equipment for kindergartners will appear in September, and Boyle accomplished her goal of personally visiting each incoming kindergarten pupil over the summer.

The EVEN START PROGRAM is beginning its third year in Montgomery County. This federally funded program is a family literacy experience for families with children up to 7 years old and at least one adult who needs to complete a high school diploma or General Education Development certificate. For details, call 381-6154 or 381-6161.

\ MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS wants you to know that it intends to comply with the letter and spirit of the law in not discriminating on the basis of sex, age, race, color, national original, religion or disability in educational programs or activities which it operates. Specific complaints of alleged discrimination should be referred to Judith Rutherford, Montgomery County Public Schools, P.O. Box 29, Christiansburg 24073, 382-5100.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law pertaining to school records. Under the law, parents of students or students at least 18 years old have the right to inspect records and correct inaccuracies. Student information is released when relating to awards and activity participation for recognition purposes. Any parent or student age 18 or over who objects to the release of any information without consent must notify in writing the principal of the school where the records are kept by Sept. 15. For more information, call Judith Rutherford at 382-5100.

Joanne Anderson is filling in for Melissa DeVaughn, who is hiking the Appalachian Trail. If you have an interesting news item from your school, please write to Classnotes at the New River Current in care of the Roanoke Times & World-News' New River Valley Bureau, P.O. Box 540, Christiansburg, Va. 24073.

 by CNB