Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 4, 1993                   TAG: 9309040195
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: B11-?   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Celebrity of the summer, accused Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss, surfaced at the taping of "NBC's Comedy Hall of Fame." Fleiss says she came out because "I've been stuck in the house for three months. I needed to laugh."

Tabloid cover guy of the season Burt Reynolds - going through his own public travails with soon-to-be-ex Loni Anderson - told the audience, "I got a couple of thanks from Ted Danson" for blowing him off the covers, "but I got nothing from Heidi."

Noted Milton Berle: "Have you seen the Heidi doll? You buy the doll, she gets you another doll."

Said self-proclaimed Heidi friend Nikki Haskell: "We've got Burt and Heidi; all we need is for Michael Jackson to walk in."

The "Comedy Hall of Fame," honoring Carol Burnett, Richard Pryor, George Burns and other comedy legends, is scheduled to air on NBC in November.

\ Tracy Lawrence, who is riding a streak of five consecutive No. 1 country hits, is getting hitched Sept. 13.

Lawrence announced he will wed Francis Weatherford in Nashville. He and the Farmington, N.M., woman have been an item since February.

Lawrence won the 1992 Academy of Country Music's New Male Vocalist Award and is a finalist for this year's Country Music Association's Horizon Award, given to the field's top newcomer.

Lawrence's current album, "Alibis," went gold in only 17 days and is a platinum seller.

 by CNB