Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, September 5, 1993                   TAG: 9309030321
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Amy Renee Weddle and Steven Ray Smith were married September 4, 1993, in Gogginsville Methodist Church. Rev. Herbert Seemann performed the ceremony. The reception was held at Gogginsville's Recreation Center. The maid of honor was Wendy Hoffman, friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were Michele Rice, sister of the bride, and Lisa Schaub, friend of the bride. Flowergirl was Tabitha Davis, niece of the groom. The best man was Jody Smith, brother of the groom. Ushers were Joey Dennis and Doug Foley, cousins of the groom. Ringbearer was James Hunt. Music was by Lisa Wadkins, cousin of the bride. The wedding director was Kathy Poff, cousin of the bride. The guestbook was attended by Jessica Hodges and Heather Wadkins. The bride wore a white silk gown and carried a bouquet of roses, carnations and baby's breath. The bride is a daughter of Corvin and Angie Weddle, of Rocky Mount. She graduated from Franklin County High School, Mary Washington College, and is employed by Franklin County Public School. The groom is a son of Betty Smith, of Rocky Mount. He graduated from Franklin County High School and is employed by MW Manufacturers. The newlyweds will live in Glade Hill.

 by CNB