Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, September 6, 1993                   TAG: 9309060006
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


High water swept an Indiana University student nearly a mile through a storm drainage tunnel in Bloomington, Ind. He survived with just bumps and scrapes.

John Howard, 20, was playing with friends in the swollen Jordan River on Friday when he was caught by the current and washed around a corner and into the tunnel. He saw light at the drain's next opening, three-quarters of a mile and 18 minutes away from the entrance, and grabbed a rope that police had stretched across the opening. "I was expecting to find a body," police Sgt. Bob Neely said.

Rhode Island Gov. Bruce Sundlun turned himself in Friday for shooting three raccoons illegally on the grounds of his Newport, R.I., mansion.

Sundlun said he shot the raccoons in July after they appeared to be threatening two fox pups and their mother. He said two of the raccoons were drooling, had blotchy fur and appeared to be rabid.

Sundlun first revealed that he had killed the raccoons during a telephone discussion with James Wyman, executive editor of The Providence Journal-Bulletin. Sundlun said he was unaware that he had done anything wrong until a reporter dispatched by Wyman asked him about the incident Thursday.

Sundlun pleaded no contest to three counts of shooting a raccoon out of season and one count of discharging a firearm within the city limits. Each count carries a maximum $1,000 fine and up to one year in jail. Newport District Judge Patricia Moore released the governor on his own recognizance.

The trip Eddie Kidd is planning across the Mississippi River on New Year's Eve won't involve any rowing. The British daredevil intends to jump across the mighty river on a motorcycle.

Kidd and his crew were in Vicksburg, Miss., on Friday to look at possible jump sites. At its widest point in the Vicksburg area, the Mississippi is about a mile across.

After getting his first look at the river Friday, he said this attempt is "gonna be a helluva jump."

 by CNB