Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 9, 1993                   TAG: 9309090412
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: E-11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP, an interdenominational study of Scripture open to women in the Roanoke Valley, is taking registration for day and evening classes. The Gospel of Matthew will be the study book this year.

The first session of the evening class will be Monday at 7:25 p.m. at Southview United Methodist Church, 3539 Peters Creek Road N.W. The day class will begin Wednesday at 9:10 a.m. at Grandin Court Baptist Church, 2660 Brambleton Ave. S.W.

A children's program, for which registration is required, is provided for women in the morning class. For evening class, call 343-8836, and for the morning call 774-4973.

\ WOMEN'S AGLOW DAY CHAPTER has scheduled author and evangelist Wilda Sue Marple as its speaker Wednesday, at the Woodmen of the World building, 2306 Peters Creek Road N.W. A $2 donation is asked for the 9:30 a.m. to noon meeting, which includes a light breakfast. Child care also is available by reservation. Call 345-2359 or 362-4849 for reservations.

\ MELROSE BAPTIST CHURCH, 3520 Peters Creek Road, is dedicating its new facilities Sunday. The $800,000 project constructed over the past year, includes an enlarged worship area that will seat 500, administrative offices and an education wing with choir suite. The Rev. Larry Sprouse, pastor, and the Rev. Kirkland Lashley, executive director of the Roanoke Valley Association of Southern Baptists will conduct the dedication of the building that has been in use for three months.

The service will begin at 10:45 a.m. and will be followed by an open house

\ DAVID ETTER has resigned as youth and children's activities director at Connelly Memorial Baptist Church to enter mission work in South Korea. Mike Adams will succeed him at the Hershberger Road church.

\ DEREK GORDON is leaving the staff of Ridgewood Baptist Church to continue his education at Averett College in Danville. He has worked with children and youth.

\ THE REV. OLIN GLIDDEN, who has been associate pastor of Airlee Court Baptist Church, has become interim minister of the Williamson Road congregation. The Rev. Gene Burris, pastor at Airlee for a decade, is preparing for an interim ministry career.

\ HOMECOMING is scheduled Sunday at the 11 a.m. service at St. Paul United Methodist Church, 502 Gilmer Ave. N.W. Guest preacher will be the Rev. Henry L. Melvin of Fair Promise African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Sanford, N.C. "Families Uniting to Celebrate and Witness" will be the theme.

\ FAIRVIEW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 1310 Van Buren St. N.W., plans a fellowship breakfast Sept. 18 from 8:30 to 9:30. Speaker will be Cody Lowe, religion writer for the Roanoke Times and World-News. Call 366-4107 for reservations.

\ FOUNDERS DAY will be observed Friday night at 7:30 at Guiding Star Church of God in Christ, 804 Madison Ave. N.W. The service will honor the founding bishop of the denomination, the late Charles Harrison Mason. Several choirs will perform. For a ride call 342-5029.

The church also will sponsor a prayer breakfast for women Saturday starting at 9:15. A donation of $3 is requested.

\ NORTH VALLEY SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH will hear Elder Marvin Wray at services Saturday at 11 a.m. He is ministerial director of the Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The North Valley church, a new congregation, is meeting at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 4909 Peters Creek Road N.W.

\ UNIQUELY YOU, a seminar to enhance spiritual growth and personal gifts, will be held Sunday through Wednesday at Cave Spring Baptist Church, 4873 Brambleton Ave. S.W. The seminar, led by Mels Carbonell, costs $15 per person.

Carbonell, who has a doctorate in human behavior and leadership techniques, has presented the seminar for many business, service and church organizations throughout the nation. He will speak at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. services Sunday and will address adults at 9:45 a.m. Evening programs will be from 7 to 8. Call 989-6136 for more information.

\ LYNN HAVEN BAPTIST CHURCH of Vinton has chosen the Rev. Jay D. Owen as its new pastor. He succeeds the Rev. Robert Wayne who joined the Richmond staff for Virginia Southern Baptist ministries several months ago after 13 years in Vinton. Owen, 41, was on the staff of Cave Spring Baptist Curch from 1975 through 1977. He took undergraduate study at Baylor University and soon will receive a doctorate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.

Before going to the seminary two years ago, Owen was pastor at a Denver, Colo., church for 10 years. He and his wife, Nancy Lewis Owen, have three daughters.

\ THE REV. JOHN O. ATKINS, pastor of Belmont Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 25 years ago, will return there for homecoming Sunday on Sept. 19. Atkins now is pastor of First Christian Church in Charleston, W.Va. Events will include breakfast at 9:15 followed by Sunday school and morning worship at 11. Potluck lunch will be served at noon.

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB