Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, September 12, 1993                   TAG: 9309120100
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: D-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CHESAPEAKE                                LENGTH: Short


A doctor who has been the target of an Operation Rescue campaign because he performs abortions has been charged with assault following a scuffle with two protesters, police said.

A magistrate issued warrants earlier this month charging Dr. Olubenga Oredein of Chesapeake with destruction of personal property and assault and battery - both misdemeanors, police spokesman Richard Black said. The charges stem from an alleged fight with two protesters in Oredein's neighborhood, police said.

David Crane, Operation Rescue's Virginia director, filed the assault charge, records show. Donald Spitz, who is aligned with the anti-abortion group, filed the destruction-of-property charge.

Oredein performs abortions part-time at Norfolk's Hillcrest Clinic, the only abortion clinic in the South Hampton Roads area. In the last 20 years, the clinic has been set afire, bombed, invaded, blockaded and picketed. Its doctors and employees have been followed, harassed and picketed at home.

The alleged fight occurred on Sept. 3. when Oredein approached a car, driven by Spitz, that had come to a stop in the doctor's neighborhood off Greenbrier Parkway.

Crane, a passenger, was holding a video camera. Oredein reached into the car, trying to get the camera, Spitz said.

Spitz said protesters still planned to target Oredein and other doctors performing abortions at Hillcrest.

- Associated Press

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