Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 14, 1993                   TAG: 9309140045
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Ian Spelling
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


1. "Trek"-classic premiered in 1966. Who was the last regular cast member signed to star on the series' first season?

2. When Kirk returned to the captain's chair of the Enterprise in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (1979), which character did he displace?

3. In "The Wrath of Khan" (1982), where had Khan (Ricardo Montalban) and his followers been abandoned by Kirk?

4. Name the last "Next Generation" episodes in which Wil Wheaton appeared as a regular and a guest star.

5. Who discovered the young Spock in "Star Trek III" (1984)?

6. What kind of 20th-century helicopter did Sulu pilot in "The Voyage Home" (1986)?

7. In "Star Trek V" (1989), what are Spock's very first words to his half-brother Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill) after 20 years apart?

8. To whom is "The Undiscovered Country" (1991) dedicated?

9. Prior to becoming Ensign Ro, Michelle Forbes made an appearance on "Next Gen." Name the character she played and the episode in which she appeared.

10. What is the Klingon word for Klingon?

11. The "Next Gen" episode "The Icarus Factor" and "Star Trek V" were filmed at about the same time, causing the supply of Klingon boots on both sets to hit an all-time low. What did costume directors do to solve the boot-shortage problem?

12. Who wrote "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual"?


1. Nichelle Nichols.

2. Willard Decker, played by Stephen Collins.

3. Ceti Alpha V.

4. Wheaton last appeared as a regular in "Final Mission." He was a guest star in "The First Duty."

(Thanks to Todd Swan of Rochester Hills, Mich., for this question.)

5. Saavik (Robin Curtis) and David (the late Merritt Butrick).

6. A Huey 205.

7. "You are under arrest for violating 17 counts of the Neutral Zone Treaty."

8. Gene Roddenberry, "Trek's" creator, who died before the film's release. He did see one of the film's final cuts a few days before his fatal heart attack.

9. Before assuming the role of Ro, Forbes portrayed Dara, the daughter of Dr. Timcin (David Ogden Stiers) in the episode "Half a Life." (Thanks to Joe Giordano of Cherry Hill, N.J.)

10. The word is "tlhIngan." (Thanks to Robert J. Ferguson of Philadelphia.)

11. Two "Next Gen" Klingons had to wear boots left over from "Planet of the Apes" (1986).

12. Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda wrote the "Technical Manual," which was published in 1991 by Pocket Books.


Walter Koenig, recovering nicely from a recent heart attack, turns 56 on Sept. 14. ... Jonathan Frakes is taking time off from "Next Gen" to film "Heaven and Hell," a sequel to the popular miniseries "North & South." Frakes' wife, soap star Genie Francis, also returns. (The two met while filming the original show in 1985.) ... Hallmark has introduced its third collectible "Trek" holiday ornament: The Enterprise NCC-1701-D. Stardated 1993, the ornament sells for $24. Call 1-800-HALLMARK to find the store nearest you carrying the product. ... Excerpts from "Star Trek Memories" by William Shatner and Chris Kreski appeared in the Sept. 4 issue of TV Guide. The book will be published by HarperCollins in October. ... On Sept. 3, "Talk Trek" (formerly on KIEV radio in Los Angeles) debuted as a nationally syndicated program on the Cable Radio Network. The CRN offers radio broadcasts via cable-TV stations. For information about stations in your area, call (818) 352-7152.


Sept. 24-26

- Contact XI at the Ramada Inn in Evansville, Ind. (Call 812-473-3109.)

- Starcon at the Holiday Inn at I-70 and Chambers Road in Denver, featuring Gates McFadden and Rene Auberjonois. (303-671-8735)

- Creation at the Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore Hotel in Baltimore, featuring Marina Sirtis. (Sept. 25-26 only; 818-409-0960)

- Gamecon '93 at the Ramada Inn South in Indianapolis. (Sept. 25-26 only; 317-862-3982)

- Creation at the Convention Center in San Diego, featuring Jonathan Frakes. (Sept. 25 only; 818-409-0960)


If you have Trek news or trivia to share - or if you have questions relating to "Star Trek" - write to Ian Spelling, care of the Features Department, Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va., 24010-2491.

 by CNB