Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 14, 1993                   TAG: 9309140192
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says her "dream for the next generation" is for men to participate more actively in raising children.

"Men have to be persuaded that bringing up children is a very important part of their life," Ginsburg says in an interview in the October issue of Glamour magazine.

She said her "favorite affirmative action program would encourage men to associate with children: I would give men a mild preference to be kindergarten teachers, to be day-care workers."

\ Singer Gloria Estefan was given a Hispanic Heritage Award on Monday for her philanthropic work on behalf of the Latino community.

The award was presented at a Washington reception by Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros, a past honoree.

Also honored were golfer Juan "Chi Chi" Rodriguez; civil rights activist Raul Yzaguirre; playwright Luis Santeiro; and Sister M. Isolina Ferre, who runs a juvenile delinquency prevention program in Puerto Rico.

Estefan, a native of Cuba, and her husband, Emilio, planned a benefit concert that raised nearly $3 million to help south Florida's victims of Hurricane Andrew.

\ Actress Sara Gilbert is having a great time weaving her way around Yale University, finding the cafeteria and classrooms and living in a five-person dorm.

Gilbert, 18, who plays Darlene on ABC's top-rated sitcom "Roseanne," has not granted any interviews since she arrived at the New Haven, Conn., school. But her publicist, Kevin Sasaki, described her new life.

"It was a little awesome at first, but she is having a great time absorbing the campus environment," Sasaki said. "She is enjoying the pace, the excitement of going to classes, and the feeling of camaraderie she's experiencing with other students."

Gilbert, who is majoring in psychology, is up for an Emmy Award on Sunday for best supporting actress - the youngest actress ever considered for the award.

\ So you are the parent of a toddler. So you despise television's Barney. So you can't bear Baby Bop.

Bad news: Another Barney character is about to be set loose.

His name is BJ.

"BJ might best be described as a prehistoric version of Huckleberry Finn - always in motion, and always looking for new adventure!" cries the breathless press release from Barney's creators, the Lyons Group.

BJ is a yellow protoceratops. He shows promise as a major-league annoyance.

"BJ enjoys sports of all kinds, as is obvious from his ever-present baseball cap and oversized tennis shoes," the Lyons release rhapsodizes. "He loves to be the center of attention, announcing his arrival with a distinctive whistle. . . . This dinosaur is `all-boy' AND all ready for the fun of his first season on `Barney and Friends!' "

No word on when the first BJ toy appears at a toy store near you.

 by CNB