Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 15, 1993                   TAG: 9309110083
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


So you know that tobacco is Virginia's leading cash crop and that real Smithfield ham simply doesn't exist outside the state, but how much do you really know about agriculture in the Old Dominion? (And just where did that phrase come from anyway)?

The little-known facts listed below will give you an idea of just how important agriculture is to Virginia. We've put them in question form here so you can have a little fun while you learn.

1. How does Virginia rank nationally in terms of seafood production?

Virginia ranks 3rd nationally in seafood production. Only seafood from Alaska and Louisiana is more plentiful.

2. How does Virginia rank nationally in terms of apple production?

Virginia ranks sixth nationally in apple production. More than 300 apple orchards cover 23,000 acres.

3. How does Virginia rank nationally in terms of fresh tomato production?

Virginia ranks third nationally in fresh tomato production.

4. What is the No. 1 agricultural product in Virginia?

The No. 1 agricultural product in Virginia is beef.

5. What is the No. 2 agricultural product in Virginia?

The No. 2 agricultural product in Virginia is chicken (broilers).

6. Why are Virginia peanuts called "Cadillacs"?

Virginia peanuts are called "Cadillacs" because growing conditions in the southeastern region promote large kernels. Virginia is one of the top five peanut-producing states.

7. Name the oldest reported market in the United States.

The oldest reported continuing market in the United States is the Alexandria Farmers' Market where George Washington was said to have brought goods from Mount Vernon.

8. Name two of the oldest crops in Virginia.

Tobacco and corn are the oldest crops in Virginia and were introduced to the early settlers by the Indians. The first large commercial peach planting was established in Botetourt County in 1867.

9. Where is the "Turkey Capital of the World"?

The birthplace of the commercial turkey industry, known as the "Turkey Capital of the World," is Rockingham County.

10. What crop in Virginia covers the largest acreage?

The crop with the largest acreage in Virginia, approximately 1.2 million acres, is hay.

11. What is the significance of the Ginger Gold apple variety?

The newest apple variety, introduced to consumers in the United States and abroad, was discovered in Virginia. The Ginger Gold resulted from the devastation left by hurricane Camille in Nelson County in 1969.

12. Where was the most promising emerging wine region of the United States in 1992?

Virginia was named "America's most promising emerging wine region" by The Wine Spectator magazine in 1992.

13. What is the average age of the Virginia farmer?

The average age of a Virginia farmer is 56.

14. How many farms can be found in Virginia?

The number of farms in Virginia is approximately 43,000.

15. How many acres does the average Virginia farm cover?

The average size of a Virginia farm is approximately 200 acres.

16. How does Virginia's farm land rank nationally in terms of value?

The value of Virginia's farm land ranks twelfth nationally.

17. Name the most unrecognized aspect of Virginia agriculture.

Horses, perhaps one of the least recognized members of Virginia's agricultural community, are found on 17 percent of all farms in Virginia. Sea Hero, a three-year old colt owned by Paul Mellon of Upperville won the 119th running of the Kentucky Derby in May.

18. Name all of the Kentucky Derby winners from Virginia.

Four Virginia-bred horses have won the Kentucky Derby. Reigh Count (1928), Secretariat (1973, also a Triple Crown Winner), Pleasant Colony (1981) and Sea Hero (1993).

19. Explain the significance of agriculture to Virginia's economy.

Approximately one in five jobs in Virginia are related to agriculture.

20. How many participants are in the Virginia's Finest trademark program?

There are over 500 participants in the Virginia's Finest quality-based trademark program.

Virginia's rich agricultural heritage is something to be proud of and her future looks just as promising. So the next time you're exchanging trivia, or hosting a visitor from out of state, remember how important agriculture is to the Old Dominion . . . which, by the way, is just one of many nicknames for our state and probably refers to colonial days when Virginia was known as The Colony and Dominion of Virginia.

 by CNB