Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 15, 1993                   TAG: 9309110105
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The recently released public service announcement produced especially for the Virginia's Finest trademark program features the work of Robbin Thompson, a 20-year veteran of the entertainment industry. Thompson, a Richmond resident and 1973 graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, not only composed the original music, but also starred in the commercial which was made available to television outlets around Virginia in early September.

The television commercial shows the diversity of Virginia's agricultural products and highlights the familiar red, white and blue trademark now associated with over 500 participants in the quality-based program.

"I'm very proud to be associated with Virginia's Finest products." Thompson said recently. "The state of Virginia has a lot to offer."

The commercial was shot on locations around Virginia including the Eastern Shore, the Charlottesville area, Surry, Richmond and Piney River. In one scene, Thompson is shown in a grocery store setting where a number of Virginia's Finest products are displayed. "The Virginia's Finest label really makes it easy for folks to know what they're buying," he remarked during the production.

Thompson, a two-time winner of the American Song Festival, tours frequently, manages his own record label and is vice president of In Your Ear Music and Recording Services, a company that writes and produces music for radio and television commercials.

"The inspiration for the Virginia's Finest commercial was easy to find," he recalled when describing his songwriting efforts. The acoustic piece is reminiscent of the scenic view from Thompson's back porch where the music and lyrics were composed.

His appearance as an actor in the commercial will come as no surprise to those who saw him in the stage role of Jim in the popular "Pump Boys and Dinettes" in Richmond.

Thompson's career as a vocalist includes being in an early Bruce Springsteen band as well as six album releases of his own including his latest effort, "I Don't Need a Reason To Ride."

Virginians may know Thompson best, however, for his collaborative effort with fellow performer, Steve Bassett, on the memorable song and album of the same name, "Sweet Virginia Breeze."

"Robbin Thompson was a natural choice to serve as spokesperson for Virginia's Finest products," said to Edward S. Kerr, director of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' Office of Promotion and Media Relations. "His work is very appealing. Consumers both young and old will find something to like about this promotional campaign. We're fortunate to have him aboard."

 by CNB