Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, September 17, 1993                   TAG: 9309170146
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


"In Virginia, we have general elections every November. All but a few states hold state elections the same time as federal elections, assuring a higher voter turnout, and reducing the cost. The only reason I've ever heard for separating the elections is that it'll be confusing the voters. Do you favor a change in the constitution of Virginia to have the state and federal elections so they'll be held at the same time, and if not, why not?"

- Richard C. Rakes, Roanoke.

Mary Sue Terry:

"No. I believe very strongly that Virginia has been served very well by separating its races from federal races. It's enabled us to keep our races in Virginia focused on the issues that matter to Virginia. This year those issues are crime, education, health care and jobs. It's helped insulate us from swings at the federal level, and I think it's helped us maintain our independent course. I would very much like to see us continue."

George Allen:

"I wouldn't say I'm absolutely in favor of this, but I'm in favor of looking at how much it would save the taxpayers to run elections on a schedule which is consistent with federal elections. One, it would cost the taxpayers less. Secondly, having elections with the presidential elections and U.S. Senate elections would have a larger turnout, more participation, which I think is also a salutary goal.

"I think the voters are sufficiently knowledgeable to discern a race for the House of Delegates from a race for the U.S. Senate. When we had special elections in 1982, we had all the House of Delegates races running at the same time as the U.S. Senate, and I didn't see any great problems with it. And while I ran for Congress in the special election in 1991, there were all sorts of local races - sheriff's races, supervisor races and state legislative races at same time. I'm sure people can figure out the difference between state and federal races. The argument against is we don't want our policies in Virginia determined by what's going on in Washington. But I think we need to take a look at it here in Virginia to see how we can save the taxpayers money."

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